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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 23, 1995 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 completely redone and will require no variances. He reported he was building the house <br /> 2 for his daughter and it would be in the $150,000.00 range. <br /> 3 4. Arnie Gregory. for 2926 2930 2938 and 3004 Old Highway 8. Rezoning <br /> 4 Commissioner Horst reported Arnie Gregory was requesting a zoning change for Mako, <br /> 5 Inc./Olson properties on Old Highway 8. Mr. Gregory had previously requested the <br /> 6 parcel be rezoned to R-4 zoning to permit high-rise apartments. This however, was not <br /> 7 feasible and he later revised the design and changed the plat to townhouses. <br /> 8 Commissioner Horst reported the Planning Commission,_had unanimously recommended <br /> 9 the Council approve the rezoning from R-2 to R-3. <br /> 10 Mr. Jerome Grundmayer, 3013 Croft Drive, indicated in spite of individuals perceptions <br /> 11 and L idiosyncracies, he felt this was the only way the land could be developed. If it was <br /> 12 not developed now it may become dead property. He reported all the residents along <br /> 13 Croft Drive are in favor of the development because the alley will be cut off. He <br /> 14 indicated he was very much in favor of the development and hoped it would be approved. <br /> 15 Ms. Roberta Lind, 3007 Rankin Road, indicated at present her backyard faces a garage <br /> 16 and six cars. The proposed building may be closer but she is envisioning nice <br /> landscaping. She indicated the developer has been very good about working with the <br /> residents and she supports the development. <br /> 19 Mr. Roger Braun, 3011 Rankin Road, stated he agreed this was quite a development and <br /> 20 he was not opposed to the rezoning. He indicated his garage faced east and after the <br /> 21 development he would have no access. He reported Mr. Gregory was working with him <br /> 22 to correct this problem. He asked if this rezoning would also require three readings <br /> 23 because he needed time to work with the developer and have an agreement in writing. He <br /> 24 stated he was not opposed to closing the alley but needed to retain access. He reported <br /> 25 there was not enough room to make a u-turn. <br /> 26 Mr. Soth asked if the alleys were owned by the developer. <br /> 27 Mr. Gregory, Arnold Development, indicated the alley which is part of Lot 7 was part of <br /> 28 the purchase but the alley which is part of Lot 13 will stay with Mr. Makowske. He <br /> 29 noted Mr. Braun has an easement to cross Lot 13 that used to come out to Old Highway 8 <br /> 30 but no easement out to Croft. He indicate this easement appeared on Mr. Braun's title but <br /> 31 did not appear on the title policy. <br /> 32 Motion by Marks, second by Enrooth to approve the first reading of rezoning of 2938 Old <br /> 33 Highway 8, 3004 Old Highway 8, and 2926/2930 Old Highway 8, from R-2 to an R-3 <br /> 0 zoning district. <br /> 35 Motion carried unanimously. <br />