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Members of the City Council <br /> City of St. Anthony, Minnesota <br /> Financial Condition, continued <br /> The fund balance of the General Fund totaled $761 ,344 as of December 31 , 1994; of <br /> which $481 ,661 has been designated for working capital and $174,945 for a self- <br /> insurance reserve. The balance of the fund balance has been designated for other <br /> continuing programs. The reserve for working capital represents approximately 20% <br /> of budgeted expenditures for 1995. This working capital reserve provides needed <br /> working capital to finance current operations until tax settlements and state aids <br /> are received. This reserve also serves as a safeguard against potential revenue <br /> shortages or unexpected expenditures. <br /> Parkview Building Fund - This was the first year since the City took over operations <br /> of the building, that the Community Center operated• at a break-even -point. Rental <br /> income coupled with the City's contribution exceeded expenditures associated with <br /> operations of the building. This excess was used to defray a significant portion <br /> of the costs of roof repairs. <br /> Certificates of Indebtedness Debt Service Fund - During 1995, the last debt service <br /> payment will be made on these certificates. It is anticipated that this fund will <br /> have an excess fund balance of between $25,000 and $30,000. These funds should be <br /> transferred to the Capital Equipment Fund to provide additional revenues to fund <br /> anticipated/budgeted capital out lay for 1995. <br /> Revolving Fund - Portions of the fund balance have been designated for the follow- <br /> ing purposes: $1 , 174,800 for city hall/community center and $209,650 for capital <br /> outlay expenditure. <br /> Street Improvement Funds - When construction projects are completed, the construc- <br /> tion funds should be closed. Excess funds remaining in a fund, like the 1993 <br /> Street Improvement Fund, should be transferred to the debt service fund established <br /> for retirement of the bonded indebtedness. Conversely, any deficit in the street <br /> improvement funds should be eliminated with a transfer from the debt service fund <br /> established for its debt retirement. <br /> Liquor Fund - Liquor operations had a net income of $66,000 for the year ended De- <br /> cember 31 , 1994, an improvement from 1993. However, it should be noted that income <br /> from operations was $10,500, with the difference between net income and operating <br /> income attributed to commissions and rental income. Efforts to increase the profit- <br /> ability from operations alone should be emphasized to avoid relying on nonoperating <br /> revenues to be profitable. Combined gross profit on sales increased to-31 .5% in <br /> 1994 compared to 30.7% in 1993. Operating expenses decreased $14,000 despite a re- <br /> duction in salaries of $28,700. Controlling and maintaining costs of operations <br /> is a key element to increasing profitability and need to be monitored closely. <br /> Utility Fund - Investment income and grant reimbursements related to operations of <br /> the filtration plant allowed the Utility Fund to have net income for the year ended <br /> December 31 , 1994. However, the sewer portion of the operations had a deficit for <br /> the year. Water operations continued to subsidize a portion of sewer operating <br /> costs. It is difficult to determine/budget the amount of revenues needed to have <br /> the sewer operation self-sufficient since the largest cost related to its operations <br /> is determined by an outside agency. <br />