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covenants and obligations under the Lease, and the Lease shall remain in full force <br /> and effect until the Effective Date. • <br /> 3. Surrender. Highwood shall surrender the Leased Premises to the City <br /> on the Effective in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear during the <br /> term of the Lease excepted, in accordance with the provisions of Section 23 of the <br /> Lease. On or before the_Effective Date, Highwood.shall remove from the Leased <br /> Premises all furniture, inventory and other personal property owned by Highwood, <br /> except for any such items that are being sold to Ernie Swanson ("Swanson"), and any <br /> damage caused to the Leased,-Prernises by Highwood in connection with the <br /> removal of such items shall be repaired promptly by Highwood, at.Highwood's <br /> expense. All personal property of Highwood left in or about the Leased Premises <br /> upon the termination of the Lease, except for any such property that has been sold to <br /> Swanson, shall thereupon become the property of the City, to be.disposed of by the <br /> City as it deems expedient. <br /> 4. Release. <br /> (a) Highwood and Guarantor hereby waive, release and relinquish all <br /> rights, claims and defenses they may have against the City, its elected <br /> officials, employees,-agents and other representatives, that arise out of <br /> any representation, action or inaction occurring in connection with the <br /> Lease or the Guaranty prior to the date of this Agreement. • <br /> (b) Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, the City hereby waives, <br /> releases and relinquishes all rights it may have against Highwood or <br /> Guarantor and their respective officers, partners, employees, agents and <br /> other representatives that arise out of any representation, action or <br /> inaction occurring in connection with the Lease or the Guaranty prior <br /> to the date of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything in this <br /> Agreement to the contrary, the City does not waive, release or <br /> relinquish any rights it may have against Highwood or.Guarantor (i) in <br /> the nature of contribution for or indemnification of claims which may <br /> be asserted against the City by any third party by reason of any <br /> representation, action or inaction of Highwood, or (ii) for breach of any <br /> of the terms, covenants or conditions contained in this Agreement. <br /> (c) All waivers, releases and relinquishments set forth herein are made on <br /> behalf of the parties, their heirs, legatees, devisees, executors, trustees, <br /> beneficiaries, assigns, officers, partners, directors, shareholders, <br /> employees and agents, and include any and all manner of actions or <br /> inactions, suits, claims, demands, judgments and levies of execution, <br /> whether direct, indirect or derivative, liquidated or unliguidated, fixed <br /> or contingent,-known or unknown. <br /> • <br /> -2- <br />