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• <br /> NEDEGAAQD CUSTOM HOMES <br /> 1814 NORTHDALE BLVD. COON RAPIDS,MN 55448 (612)757-2926 FAX 757-0649 <br /> March 14, 1996 <br /> Attn: Kim <br /> City of St. Anthony <br /> 3301 Silver Lake Road <br /> St. Anthony, MN 55418 <br /> Enclosed is the application for a variance on lots 8 and 10 of the Village Commons. <br /> 3925-8 and 3925-10 Fordham Drive. <br /> Our land surveyor just informed us that the hearth room could not be included as part of <br /> • the home on lots 8 and 10. Unfortunately since this is a major part of the home, we feel it <br /> would be difficult if not impossible to'sell these homes without the hearth room. <br /> The hearth room is a 14 x 12 room that has a gas fireplace with built in cabinetry <br /> surrounding it, including a built in tv cabinet above the fireplace. This room a <br /> family room/sitting room area. Without the hearth room there is only one living area,that <br /> being the living room and there would be no area for the fireplace. <br /> Therefore, a variance on lots 8 and 10 is being requested, these are two of the nicest lots <br /> we have and not including the hearth room would make these lots difficult if not <br /> impossible to sell. We have included this hearth room as part of the twinhome since we <br /> knew we would be building them, and to go back and tell people they can't be part of <br /> their home would definitely keep them from buying. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Bruce A. Nedegaard <br /> President <br /> 4% <br /> • <br /> R A DIVISION Of NEDEGAARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. ' <br /> rG LIC. NO. 0002068 <br /> e..e. <br />