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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • May 14, 1996 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Liz Hermann, Williams/O'Brien Associates, Inc. noted $4,500.00 was allocated in the <br /> 2 original bid for the ground sign_ and the utility drop off. The building sign was included <br /> 3 in the bid for the building. <br /> 4 Marks asked how many flagpoles were proposed for the entrance and where they would <br /> 5 be located. He noted he would like to have two flagpoles located at the entrance. Marks <br /> 6 also noted there is currently a bus stop for buses traveling north on Silver Lake Road near <br /> 7 the entrance of the building and asked that the bus stop be retained. <br /> 8 There was Council consensus to address the issue of the ground sign after the building <br /> 9 was erected and the sight line of the building sign could be evaluated. <br /> 10 Ms. Hermann then addressed the site plan. She explained an alternative for the southwest <br /> 11 corner of the site at 33rd Avenue and Silver Lake Road. This plan would provide more <br /> 12 parking for the site and also provide an access for police vehicles to Silver Lake Road. <br /> 13 The plan would pull the lower tennis court away from the corner of Silver Lake Road and <br /> 14 33rd Avenue and provide the opportunity to landscape in that area. The bandshell would <br /> 15 be located to the north of the tennis court and would take advantage of the slope of the <br /> 16 hill for seating. She noted the civil engineer has stated that after a week of rain the large <br /> 17 swale which is depicted next to the tennis court, will have standing water and cattails may <br /> grow in that area. <br /> 19 Mr. O'Brien noted the parking spaces north of the tennis courts had been changed to <br /> 20 perpendicular to allow for more parking. He stated he had discussed the parking and the <br /> 21 access to Silver Lake Road with Police Chief Engstrom and he is comfortable with the <br /> 22 configuration. <br /> 23 Momson noted a location needed to be determined for the playground. <br /> 24 Wagner stated he was not comfortable with the access for police vehicles to Silver Lake <br /> 25 Road going through the parking lot. He felt this was a dangerous situation. Mr. O'Brien <br /> 26 suggested it could be signed as a"one way". <br /> 27 There was Council consensus to accept the proposed site plan for the southwest corner of <br /> 28 33rd Avenue and Silver Lake Road. There was Council consensus to postpone the <br /> 29 decision for access to Silver Lake Road through the parking area and discuss the issue <br /> 30 with Police Chief Engstrom again. <br /> 31 Ms. Hermann displayed a illustration of the wall at the end of the lobby. She explained it <br /> 32 will be a screen wall with a small fountain. <br /> Wagner stated he was concerned with children playing in the water. Mr. O'Brien stated <br /> this would be a well-supervised area. Enrooth and Faust stated they did not anticipate <br /> 35 problems with children in this area. <br />