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• -STAFF REPORT <br /> DATE: May 20, 1997 <br /> TO: Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Kim Moore-Sykes, Management Assistant <br /> ITEM: 97-02 Janice Kahn, Variance to R4 Corner Lot Area <br /> Requirement -- 39th Avenue NE and Penrod Lane. <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The property at the corner of 39th Avenue NE and Penrod Lane is currently zoned R-1 <br /> and vacant. Janice Kahn applied to the City for a variance to the lot area requirement for <br /> corner lots. The lot is designated as R-1 and would be a buildable lot except the lot is <br /> 9,200 sq. ft. and the City Ordinance requires R-1 designated corner lots to be 11,000 sq. ft. <br /> Ms. Kahn needs a variance of 1,800 sq. ft. <br /> ANALYSIS• <br /> • Ms. Kahn is proposing to build a two-story house on the corner lot of 39th Avenue NE <br /> and Penrod Lane. She has indicated to Staff that the lot is of sufficient size to <br /> accommodate this type of house and would meet all the setback and lot coverage <br /> requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance for an R-1, corner lot. <br /> The house will be situated with the driveway and garage entrance facing 39th Avenue NE, <br /> with the garage side of the house being 30 feet from the street. The east side of the <br /> proposed house is parallel to Penrod Lane and because of the adjacent street, Ms. Kahn's <br /> plans show a 30 foot setback on this side. The required rear yard setback of 25 feet is <br /> shown on the drawing. Ms. Kahn also understands that the impervious surfaces cannot <br /> exceed 35% or 3,220 sq. ft. of the total lot area. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: <br /> Staff recommends approval of the lot area variance of 1,800 sq. ft. provided Ms. Kahn <br /> constructs a house that is within the setback and lot coverage requirements for a residential <br /> corner lot. <br /> • <br />