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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> December 3, 1997 <br /> Page 2 is <br /> 1 Mr. Willenbring defined a "flooding problem" for the purpose of this study, to include: a <br /> 2 structure which was inundated,by rain water in such a way that water might build up from the <br /> 3 street and come up and physically contact the structure is such a way that water may. enter the <br /> 4 structure through a building opening and flood the structure or where the level of water <br /> 5 exceeded a depth of 2 feet in a given location. This definition does not include storm sewer <br /> 6 back-up. All areas where either of the defined problems occurred were studied and identified <br /> 7 for corrective action. <br /> 8 The report looked at several improvement alternatives with the two primary improvements <br /> 9 being increased storm sewer and/or ponding areas or providing flood proofing. Preliminary <br /> 10 cost estimates to construct all necessary improvements to address the flooding in the 13 <br /> 11 problem areas is estimated at $5.7 million. This estimate is based on providing 100 7year 24- <br /> 12 hour flood protection using "Technical Paper 40". There has been some additional data <br /> 13 generated in the past 30 years that indicates a greater probability of heavier rainfall similar to <br /> 14 the July 1, 1997 events. For this reason, WSB estimated the cost to provide 100-year plus <br /> 15 30% flood protection. The cost to provide improvements at this level is estimated at $8.3 to <br /> 16 $9.1 million. To provide improvements to protect against a rainfall similar to the July 1, <br /> 17 1997 which is greater than.a 100-year event plus.30% is estimated to cost $8.6 to $9.7 <br /> 18 million. Mr. Willenbring noted that whatever improvements are made, there still will be no <br /> 19 guarantee that another event might occur greater than anticipated and homes could be <br /> 20 inundated. • <br /> 21 Mr. Willenbring noted the City could establish the following policies and/or programs to <br /> 22 respond to flooding problems generated by the July 1, 1997 event. The first is to define the <br /> 23 level of protection to be provided for structures. Drainage systems in the Metropolitan area <br /> 24 are typically designed to accommodate a 100-year event without allowing structures to be <br /> 25 inundated. The second is to provide a grant program for flood proofing of structures. This is <br /> 26 a cost effective way to provide protection. <br /> 27 If the City wishes to react to the storm event and provide the improvements at a cost of$5.7 <br /> 28 million, one means to provide the funds would be to increase the storm water utility fee. The <br /> 29 current storm water utility fee is $3 per quarter which generates $48,000 annually. Upon <br /> 30 surveying 30 communities, it was found that the highest utility fee was $13 per quarter. If <br /> 31 the improvements in the amount of$5.7 million are spread over 10 years, the utility fee in St. <br /> 32 Anthony would need to be increased to $34 per quarter to fund the project. If spread over 15 <br /> 33 years, an increase to $23 per quarter would be necessary. If the City provides the higher level <br /> 34 of flood protection, the utility fee would have to be raised to $50 per quarter to fund for 10 <br /> 35 years or $33 to fund for 15 years. Mr. Willenbring noted another option available to the City <br /> 36 would be to assist homeowners with damage that may occur from a heavy rainfall event by <br /> 37 making available a grant program or insurance fund that would assist in paying for damages <br /> 38 associated with these events. <br /> 39 Faust asked if implementation of WSB's recommendations would allow the City of St. • <br /> 40 Anthony to participate in the National Flood Protection Program. <br />