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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> December 3, 1997 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Ms. Kozarek stated this is the Task Force's recommendation to the City Council. The Task <br /> 2 Force would like to stay in existence to work with the City and WSB to make sure these <br /> 3 improvements happen in a fashion that is agreeable to everyone. <br /> 4 Morrison noted the next Task Force meeting is January 7, 1998. He stated that all seven <br /> 5 recommendations of the Task Force are very key statements. He noted that their <br /> 6 recommendation #5 would allow WSB to work with the Task Force and provide rankings and <br /> 7 cost analysis of WSB's recommendations. The Task Force would then continue to come <br /> 8 before the Council and give their recommendations during the next year. <br /> 9 Mayor Ranallo stated he would like to implement Task Force recommendation #7 <br /> 10 immediately. He asked-how soon Staff could meet with Senator John Marty. <br /> 11 Mr. Willenbring stated WSB is in the process of putting a packet together for the legislature. <br /> 12 He noted that the City has done a good job of keeping their Representatives aware of the <br /> 13 situation. <br /> 14 Mr. Willenbring asked for.direction from the Council as to the next step. He asked if WSB <br /> 15 should develop an implementation plan. <br /> 16 Marks suggested.the City could contact Congressman Vento and previous Congressman Sabo. • <br /> 17 He also suggested clarification of the FEMA issue. <br /> 18 Morrison noted the City is being considered for a portion of a FEMA grant in the amount of <br /> 19 $1.3 million. These funds could be applied to the purchase of the four homes noted in the <br /> 20 WSB Report for the purpose of building retention ponds. <br /> 21 Faust stated that conceptually the Council accepts the recommendations of the Task Force. <br /> 22 This is a living document which will be subject to give and take. He noted it is important to <br /> 23 keep the Task Force involved as they will keep the rest of the community involved and can <br /> 24 help to demonstrate the need for approval of the plan to the rest of the community. <br /> 25 - Marks asked if the recommended increase in the storm water fees was.permissible from a <br /> 26 legal standpoint. <br /> 27 City Attorney William Soth stated the increase in the storm water rates is permissible and can <br /> 28 be authorized by the Council. He stated he did not believe the City could implement <br /> 29 recommendation #4 regarding a self-insurance program. A self-insurance program was not <br /> 30 authorized under State Law and would require special legislature to be adopted by the State. <br /> 31 Mr. Willenbring stated he was not aware of any cities that provided a self-insurance program. <br /> 32 Faust noted that by accepting the report of the Task Force, the City would be pursuing the • <br /> 33 recommendations as a goal. <br />