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City Council Truth in Taxation Hearing Meeting Minutes <br /> December 3, 1997 <br /> Page 2 • <br /> 1 Hall/Community Center building. Mornson explained that the current building is more <br /> 2 expensive to maintain as it is used more than the old building. The demand has exceeded <br /> 3 what was.expected but this is being adjusted for in the 1998 Budget. <br /> 4 Mornson displayed and explained the distribution of the City Taxes on a home valued at <br /> 5 $114,000. The City Taxes will be approximately $430.30 for 1998. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Mornson displayed and explained a Proposed Property Tax statement for 1998 for a home <br /> 8 valued at $114,000. The City Taxes will increase from $406.65 to $430.29. The total <br /> 9 Property Tax including all categories will decrease from $2,191.83 to $2,003.46. Mornson <br /> 10 explained that the decrease is primarily the responsibility of the State of Minnesota funneling <br /> 11 more funds into the school districts in the State. <br /> .12 Mary Bauer, 4000 Foss Road, #103 and 4203, stated that she owns two condominiums which <br /> 13 are both 928 square feet in area. The 1998 proposed property tax for the condominium which <br /> 14 she lives in and is homesteaded is $564.64 and the 1998 proposed property tax for the second <br /> 15 is $1,111.90. No one resides in the second condominium and it is not homesteaded. Both <br /> 16 have the same valuation. She.questioned why there was such a large discrepancy in taxes. <br /> 17 Councilmember Faust noted that the difference in property taxes between a homesteaded <br /> 18 property and a non-homesteaded property is approximately,double under legislated law. He <br /> 19 suggested that Ms. Bauer may be able to homestead the property by use of a relative <br /> 20 homestead if her daughter owned and occupied the condominium by December 1, 1997 and <br /> 21 this was filed with Ramsey County by December 15, 1997. <br /> 22 Finance Director Roger Larson displayed a graph that was presented by Hennepin County. <br /> 23 He noted that the average assessed price of residential property in the City of St. Anthony was <br /> 24 $91,500 and the average selling price was $103,000. The assessors, per State guidelines, must <br /> 25 provide an assessed value of 93% of the selling price. Residential property owners in the City <br /> 26 of St. Anthony may see an increase in valuation in 1999 due to the difference in the assessed <br /> 27 values versus selling values. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 V. SET DATE FOR CONTINUATION OR ADOPTION HEARING FOR THE 1998 <br /> 30 BUDGET AND TAX LEVY FOR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1997 AT 7:30 P.M. <br /> 31 Motion by Marks, second by Enrooth to set adoption hearing for the 1998 Budget and Tax <br /> 32 Levy for Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 7:30 P.M. <br /> 33 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 34 VI. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. <br /> 35 Motion by Wagner, second by Enrooth to close the public hearing at 7:16 P.M. <br /> 36 Motion carried unanimously. <br />