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Truth in Taxation Hearing Minutes <br /> December 16, 1998 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 needs to be paid off as well. Ranallo commented that it would look good on.his resume when he <br /> 2 runs for office if he could indicate that he voted against a tax increase. However, when he came <br /> 3 -onto the Council there were problems with Apache Plaza which was blighted, the old City Hall, <br /> 4 the old fire truck which needed to be replaced, a desire for a senior condo, and streets that needed <br /> 5 many repairs but there was no money to address those issues and the City had no bond rating. At <br /> 6 that time, since there was no reserve or bond rating, the City had to make changes which took <br /> 7 three years and the forming of the HRA. Ranallo stated that he had hoped the $50,000 from <br /> 8 Hennepin County would be put toward the shopping center. He explained that since the budget <br /> 9 was redesigned to the current process, many projects have been successfully completed. He <br /> 10 stated that by setting up the reserve basis the City has been able to save over$1 million in <br /> 11 interest which would have to be paid on the bonds. Ranallo explained that these reserves have <br /> 12 -been used in many places and he remembers Cavanaugh previously asking why the City does not <br /> 13 raise taxes to the levy limit because the City should do that. But, now Cavanaugh is saying the <br /> 14 budget should be reduced. <br /> 15 Ranallo noted that due to the current budget process and reserve, the City had the ability to hire <br /> 16 an engineering firm and go the Legislature to get$2 million for the storm water project. He <br /> noted that at one time the State was holding the funds that were to go to the cities and wanted to <br /> use that money to cover their shortfall but St. Anthony had money in reserves and was able to <br /> 19 pay their employee salaries without seeking a loan. The City has also built up a very good bond <br /> 20 rating to get the levy limits down. Ranallo stated that for these reasons he cannot support the <br /> 21 motion'to amend even if it would look good on his resume to say he had voted down a tax raise. <br /> 22 Cavanaugh stated that he also amended the general fund budget by $175,000 which would result <br /> 23 in budget increase of 5.8%over the budget of 1998. With inflation at almost 0%he believes a <br /> 24 5.8% increase is a good increase. He noted the proposed reduction also eliminates-the need to <br /> 25 use reserve to support the budget of only $90,700. He stated that the proposed increase is totally <br /> 26 unacceptable and the Council should not use reserves outside the Operating Budget. He stated <br /> 27 that he is not making this amendment as looking back at his history of what he had previously <br /> 28 said at a meeting but in looking at the facts that are in the budget now. He stated the City is <br /> 29 running surpluses in the budget every year, has $12 million in investments,plus money in <br /> 30 reserves, and the tax payer is stepping up to pay increased taxes. He stated he believes a <br /> 31 reduction of$50,000 is just a small thank you for being here when we needed you and getting the <br /> 32 budget under control is why he was elected and two years ago. Cavanaugh stated that what he <br /> 33 said at the podium has no relevance with this discussion. <br /> 34 Thuesen stated that comments have been made about the benefit of building the reserves such as <br /> 35 improving the bond rating and getting funds from the State Legislature which are all positives <br /> but he would never vote yes on something like this if he felt it would harm the City's short-term <br /> or long-term ability to do those activities or to lower reserves to a point of jeopardizing the City's <br /> 8 bond rating. He stated the Council needs to look at the City's needs and if they-can get by with <br />