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CC PACKET 11091999
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CC PACKET 11091999
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CC PACKET 11091999
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City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 26, 1999 • <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 Mornson reported that there are several positions open for the Parks Commission, and there <br /> 2 would also be Planning Commission vacancies that need to be filled. He stated that his goal is to <br /> 3 appoint new members before the end of the year. Since the deadline for application for the Parks <br /> 4 Commission was last Friday, Mornson suggested opening up the process. <br /> 5 Ranallo stated that he was surprised that public opinion seems to hold that the Council discour- <br /> 6 ages involvement in the process of filling vacancies. Ranallo suggested that the positions be <br /> 7 opened. Mornson will advise the Council when there are candidates to interview and conducive <br /> 8 times could be arranged for meetings. <br /> 9 Mornson stated that the worksession scheduled for Tuesday,November 2, would begin at 8:00 <br /> 10 p.m. Obviously, that date is the Election Day; however, Mornson stated there are only three pri- <br /> 1 l mary issues on the worksession agenda so the meeting is anticipated to be brief. <br /> 12 Furthermore, Mornson stated that he has been meeting with the Hennepin Minneapolis Ramsey <br /> 13 County Rail Coalition. In essence, all of the mayors of the surrounding cities will be sending a <br /> 14 letter to the Met Council to the attention of Ted Mondale, requesting his support. Mornson <br /> 15 anticipated that the letter would be mailed by the end of the week. <br /> 16 Mornson stated he would be continuing meetings with the Hennepin Parks Systems regarding <br /> 17 developing trail systems. <br /> 18 Mornson further reported that, at a worksession approximately two months ago, Staff introduced <br /> 19 a new policy that was created as a result of a law adopted by the state legislature. This law states <br /> 20 that the City must provide assistance to new businesses with regard to wage rates and criteria on <br /> 21 other issues. Mornson has met with the City's tax increment financing (TIF) consultant and <br /> 22 development attorney to discuss various procedures and options regarding the new law. <br /> 23 Cavanaugh inquired about arranging for a possible presentation by the Heart of the Earth School <br /> 24 regarding the School's future plans and potential items for discussion. Ranallo responded that <br /> 25 the School had previously mentioned that, once the purchase agreement was signed, the City <br /> 26 would be contacted and the School's plans revealed: In any event, the City has contacted the <br /> 27 School numerous times and, to date has not been able to obtain a response from the School. <br /> 28 Ranallo suggested that the City should be informed about the School's plans prior to the <br /> 29 moratorium being lifted. <br /> 30 Faust disclosed his belief that a purchase agreement was executed approximately two weeks ago <br /> 31 and that earnest money was exchanged. However, the actual purchase, Faust stated, will <br /> 32 probably take place next summer. Faust informed the Council that a letter from the Salvation <br /> 33 Army was sent to residents around the lake stating that the property has been sold. <br />
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