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City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 26, 1999 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Club has been active for almost two years. The Kiwanis organization believed participation at <br /> 2 the middle-school level was an optimal time to involve youth in service-oriented activities. . <br /> 3 Mr. Gunderson introduced Ms. Sue Holton, whom he stated is the facility advisor and also the <br /> 4 person behind the success of the program. Ms. Holton stated that the Club began with approxi- <br /> 5 mately 14 members at the first meeting close to two years ago, and currently there are over 50 <br /> 6 members in 7'and 8' grade, and soon the membership will be open to new 6`h graders as well. <br /> 7 Ms. Holton reviewed for the Council various projects in which the Club is involved. For <br /> 8 example, certain members visit the health care center once a week, and there is a group that <br /> 9 volunteer at community services. In particular, volunteer work is provided for the food shelf, <br /> 10 Children's Home Society, and in the past, has been provided for the Iodine Deficiency Disorder <br /> I1 program. <br /> 12 Ranallo offered that the Council could suggest a project for the Club. He explained by stating <br /> 13 that, for quite some time, he had encouraged students from the high school or middle school to <br /> 14 volunteer as a "page" for the City Council meetings. This position would entail welcoming <br /> 15 residents to the Council meetings, and assisting residents with sign-up sheets and pointing out <br /> df8 the agenda table. Ranallo clarified that there are two Council meetings per month, and the <br /> experience gained in participating as a page would be beneficial for the student, and would <br /> provide valuable assistance for the City Council at meetings. <br /> 19 Mr. Gunderson and Ms. Holton both stated their belief that many students would be interested in <br /> 20 volunteering as a page for the City Council meetings. Mr. Gunderson agreed to coordinate the <br /> 21 project with City Manager Michael Mornson. <br /> 22 Motion by Marks, second by Faust, to adopt the Proclamation stating that the City of St. <br /> 23 Anthony hereby proclaims the week of November 1 through November 7, 1999 as Builders Club <br /> 24 Week. <br /> 25 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 26 Mr. Gunderson invited Mayor Ranallo to attend the next Builders Club meeting on November 3, <br /> 27 1999 to read the Proclamation to the members. Mayor Ranallo thanked Mr. Gunderson for the <br /> 28 invitation and stated that he would be honored to attend the meeting. <br /> 29 Ranallo thanked Mr. Gunderson, Ms. Holton, and the members of the Builders Club in <br /> 30 attendance for joining the City Council meeting. <br /> 31 B. Planning Commission <br /> Ranallo welcomed Dick Horst of the Planning Commission and invited him to address the <br /> 3 Council. Mr. Horst reported that, at the October 19, 1999 Planning Commission meeting, a con- <br /> 34 cept review for 3549 Stinson Boulevard was discussed. In short, the residents at that address had <br />