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City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 26, 1999 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 a connector to County Road 88. He further stated that the public has responded favorably <br /> 2 to the project. Mr. Krier announced that the revitalized St. Anthony Shopping Center <br /> 3 could be considered the heart of St. Anthony. <br /> 4 Ranallo inquired about the next step for the Center. Mr. Krier stated that a Letter of <br /> 5 Understanding would be forthcoming, and that he and City Attorney Bill Soth were in the <br /> 6 process of drafting a Developers Agreement. A draft of the Agreement is scheduled to be <br /> 7 presented in November, with a final Agreement anticipated for December. <br /> 8 Morrison offered that he had ordered a survey of the green space for the Shopping Center. <br /> 9 This survey should be accomplished within a week and he will be meeting with the <br /> 10 Shopping Center owners and the owners of The Hitching Post. <br /> 11 Cavanaugh stated that he noticed in the Planning Commission meeting minutes that Mr. <br /> 12 Krier had mentioned an indoor community space. Mr. Krier clarified that he had been <br /> 13 working with the developers about obtaining an indoor community space, but had not re- <br /> 14 ceived a commitment as of this time. <br /> 15 Furthermore, Cavanaugh inquired about the proposed office space mentioned in the Plan- <br /> 16 ning Commission meeting minutes. Mr. Krier stated that office space could be an <br /> 17 excellent project for next year, but would encourage concentration on the village green <br /> 18 space at this time. <br /> 19 Ranallo expressed satisfaction with the project and acknowledged that as the Shopping <br /> 20 Center is upgraded, increased interest and activity surrounding the Center would likely <br /> 21 occur. <br /> 22 Marks was appreciative as well of the success and progress of the redevelopment of the <br /> 23 Center, and stated that the St. Anthony Shopping Center area has been a redevelopment <br /> 24 vision for many years. Mr. Krier expressed appreciation for the cooperation of the new <br /> 25 landlord of the Shopping Center and mentioned that cooperation has been instrumental in <br /> 26 moving the redevelopment process along. <br /> 27 Ranallo thanked Mr. Krier for his attendance and report to the Council. <br /> 28 C. Councilmembers. <br /> 29 Thuesen reported congratulations were in order to the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of <br /> 30 Commerce had hosted a forum for the candidates running for office, and Thuesen stated that the <br /> 31 forum was an impressive success and the community support was evident. Thuesen expressed <br /> 32 appreciation for the efforts put forth in hosting the forum. <br />