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CC PACKET 07112000
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CC PACKET 07112000
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CC PACKET 07112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 27, 2000 <br /> • Page 9 <br /> 1 Various discussion ensued between the Councilmembers, Mr. Shardlow and Mr. <br /> 2 Bergstrom regarding possible restrictions for the plan and/or the best plan for the City to <br /> 3 consider. . <br /> 4 Mr. Shardlow said an idea would be to specify some uses as conditional uses. Hillcrest <br /> 5 would like to structure an approval and go forward with that approval to fill the building <br /> 6 with tenants. <br /> 7 Cavanaugh inquired about the time consequences if this issue was returned to the <br /> 8 Planning Commission for further review. City Manager Mornson stated that it would <br /> 9 delay the issue from 2-4 weeks, but it would still be possible to accomplish the goals <br /> 10 already set. The issue would return to the Planning Commission meeting on July 18, <br /> 11 2000, and would then be passed back to the City Council at a Council meeting after that <br /> 12 date. <br /> 13 Anthony Gleekel, attorney for Hillcrest Development, approached the Council. He stated <br /> 14 that he understood the Council's concerns and expressed Hillcrest Development's position <br /> 15- on the issue. Additionally, he stated that the plan in question was not intended to be final <br /> 16 because there are many issues left to be studied and resolved. Additionally, Hillcrest's <br /> '07 goal is to present a final approval, along with a specific PUD agreement. Mr. Gleekel <br /> 18 explained that Hillcrest would be targeting office-high tech tenants; however, Hillcrest <br /> 19 would like the opportunity to be flexible in their tenant base. Additionally, conditions <br /> 20 could be placed regarding the details of the exterior of the building if certain types of <br /> 21 tenants, such as warehouse/manufacturing, were obtained. <br /> 22 Cavanaugh suggested finalizing the discussions at the Council meeting today in a <br /> 23 document so that some definition could be obtained regarding the feelings of the <br /> 24 Councilmembers. <br /> 25 Cavanaugh asked Mr. Shardlow his opinion about sending this issue back to Planning <br /> 26 Commission. Mr. Shardlow stated that whether it is sent back or not,the same language <br /> 27 needs to be incorporated into the document. In essence,he would support sending the <br /> 28 issue back to the Planning Commission. <br /> 29 The consensus of the Council was that the issue should be returned to the Planning <br /> 30 Commission for further review and consideration. <br /> 31 Cavanaugh directed City Manager Michael Mornson to manage the process of getting the <br /> 32 issue returned to the Planning Session, as well as institute a work session for the Council, <br /> 33 if necessary. <br />
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