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CC PACKET 07112000
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CC PACKET 07112000
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CC PACKET 07112000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 27, 2000 <br /> Page 11 <br /> 1 for long, native grass that would not be mowed. This was an ideal choice because of the <br /> 2 slope of the land. Some residents were concerned about the geese population, and Ms. <br /> . 3 Garene stated that the issue had been taken into consideration when developing the plan. <br /> 4 Ms. Garene stated that it was the resident's desire to begin the project as soon-as possible. <br /> 5 Her firm's recommendation would be to obtain a contractor that is experienced in native <br /> 6 seeding, together with a three-year maintenance contract to ensure the success of the <br /> 7 seeding. <br /> 8 Additionally, Ms. Garene wished to point out that various trees and shrubs are depicted <br /> 9 on the drawing she presented, and will be incorporated with the native seeding. The <br /> 10 residents wished for the overall feeling of the area to be of woodlands. <br /> 11 Mr. Willenbring directed the Council's attention to a proposed schedule of the project that <br /> 12 was included in the Council's agenda packets. <br /> 13 City Attorney Soth wished to mention that if the Council plans to proceed with the <br /> 14 project this year, it would be necessary to begin a condemnation proceeding on all the <br /> 15 properties immediately. If in the meantime, if residents decide to sell their property, that <br /> 06 would be the most beneficial for the City. But, if there were residents who do not plan to <br /> 17 sell their property, then the condemnation proceeding would need to be in place. <br /> 18 However, he stated that if the project were done next year, then the City would have <br /> 19 ample time to negotiate with the residents first, and the condemnation process last. <br /> 20 Some of the residents in the audience expressed surprise at the condemnation process. <br /> 21 Mr. Willenbring stated that since it had been the residents' desire to begin as soon as <br /> 22 possible, the condemnation process needed to be brought up and addressed. Mr. <br /> 23 Willenbring noted that the optimal time of year for construction is in the fall when <br /> 24 residents' windows are closed and noise would.not be as much as an issue. <br /> 25 City Manager Michael Morrison and City Attorney Soth reviewed together the process <br /> 26 and requirements for condemnation proceedings and the optimal options for the City. <br /> 27 Horst thought that the City had initially agreed to offer a settlement to the homeowners <br /> 28 for their property. Mr. Soth said that was correct; however, the condemnation <br /> 29 proceedings must be implemented because of the time frame that it takes to complete that <br /> 30 process in the case that a settlement could not be obtained. <br /> 31 Mr. Soth stated the process of obtaining the land is by a properly-by-property negotiation, <br /> 32 as well as a property-by-property condemnation proceeding. In other words, each <br /> �3 individual property is negotiated separately from the others. <br />
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