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CC PACKET 10202000
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes -- <br /> September 26, 2000 <br /> • Page 2 <br /> 1 covery, which is a towing service that is mainly located in St. Paul. There is a satellite operation <br /> 2 in Oakdale: Recently, she and her husband have,purchased Sroga's Towing in St. Anthony. <br /> 3 She wanted to bring forth some of the complaints from neighbors that were received when <br /> 4 Sroga's Towing was in business. One improvement the Gartis's have made is an electric gate, <br /> 5 and an improvement to the fencing,so the contents of the impound lot are not visible from the <br /> 6 street. They have also removed some of the larger trucks, and changed the hours of operation. <br /> 7 Ms. Gartis reiterated the desire to work with the neighbors and the City to actively correct any <br /> 8 situations that arise. <br /> 9 Hodson inquired about the hours of operation, and Ms. Gartis said a dispatcher begins at 6:00 <br /> 10 a.m. and continues until 2:00 p.m., and another dispatcher begins at 2:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. <br /> 11 Office hours are until 6:00 p.m. <br /> 12 Hodson mentioned that he had heard a prior complaint regarding Sroga's Towing in that the tow <br /> 13 truck drivers were using excessive speed throughout the neighborhoods and being loud at the <br /> 14 early hours of the morning. Ms. Gartis assured the Council that the type of driving behavior he <br /> 15 mentioned would not be tolerated; and hoped that if the drivers of their company are driving <br /> •16 poorly,-that a ticket would be given. She plans on working closely with the City,neighbors, and <br /> 17 the employees to make for an amenable working relationship. <br /> 18 Cavanaugh stated he would like to see a letter of understanding between her company and the <br /> 19 City as to the specifics of issues that the City would normally do in a conditional use permit. He <br /> 20 would like to have an understanding with Ms. Gartis and her company because the problems as- <br /> 21 sociated with Sroga's Towing have been a problem with the City for a long time. <br /> 22 Ms. Gartis stated that currently she and her husband are leasing the property and major improve- <br /> 23 ments would have to go through the Srogas. However, in response to Cavanaugh's mention of <br /> 24 auctions going on, she stated that her,company does not have auctions. <br /> 25 Cavanaugh reiterated his hope for letter of understanding, and inquired of City Manager. <br /> 26 Michael Morrison if a 60-day temporary license would be a reasonable request.- Morrison noted <br /> 27 that it would have to be a joint effort on the side of both parties. He felt that the key is that the <br /> 28 City needs to be consistent and uniformly apply those principals, and there is another towing <br /> 29 business within the City. <br /> 30 Ms. Gartis noted that she would be willing to_work with the City and the neighbors, but major <br /> 31 conditions or renovations would have to, at tliis point, go through Mr. Sroga. With all due re- <br /> 32 spect, she stated, she was unsure how conditions�could be placed on the business when the busi- <br /> 33 ness was willing to comply with all existing requirements as well as create an amenable relation- <br /> 1034 ship. <br />
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