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7 <br /> City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 24, 2001 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Local Levy Comparison and stated that the rationale behind the tax abatement levy is that it <br /> 2 would impact tax payers at no cost to them. <br /> 3 .. <br /> 4 Mayor Cavanaugh invited residents to come forward with any questions, or concerns regarding, <br /> 5 the proposed 2002 City Budget. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Casey Scott, 2501 Paul Avenue Northeast, asked for an explanation of the Estimated City Tax <br /> 8 Rate. Mayor Cavanaugh explained that it was an estimate on what the 14%Tax Levy would look <br /> 9 like on a$147,100 house that had it's value assessed at$154,500, and the 18% increase <br /> 10 represents the amount of tax increase that a house would have, given the valuation increase. Mr. <br /> 11 Scott stated that he thought the meeting tonight would provide residents with a picture of what <br /> 12 the needs of the city are from the staff and be able to provide input. He added that this would be <br /> 13 future. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Momson indicated that those issues would be discussed at the August 14`h meeting. Mayor <br /> 16 Cavanaugh suggested that Mr. Scott attend that meeting to hear what comes out of these <br /> 17 reserves, and provide feedback. Mr. Scott stated that the 5-year plan is what he viewed as most <br /> 18 important and beneficial as a resident of the City of St. Anthony. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Mr. Scott commended the Council for their work and commitment to the community. <br /> •21 <br /> 22 Mayor Cavanaugh reviewed a handout he had created from the 2001 budget that displayed <br /> 23 historical patterns. He stated that these charts will play an important role at the August 141' <br /> 24 meeting. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Councilmember Hodson asked Jay Hartman how the city faired this year. Mr. Hartman stated <br /> 27 that Public Works ran out of salt at one point, but that labor was not a problem. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 X. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONS AND STAFF. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 A. Investment report recap by Finance Director Roger Larson. <br /> 32 Finance Director Roger Larson stated that the City's rate of return was 1.8% higher than the rate <br /> 33 of return on treasuries, which is a bench mark that is used to determine what comprises the <br /> 34 portfolio. He stated that by making a few adjustments, they could even improve the rate of <br /> 35 return on investments. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Larson indicated that the investment portfolio review report recommended consolidating the <br /> 38 City's money market accounts into the 4/M Fund in order to gain a higher annualized yield. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Larson referred to the recent merger of Firstar and US Bank; and that Bremer Bank purchased the <br /> 41 Firstar St. Anthony branch. He indicated that little change would be reflected under the new <br /> 42 owner. Larson indicated that a meeting with Bremer produced an analysis comparing Firstar, <br /> ®43 Bremer, and the 4/M Fund, which he reviewed. <br /> 44 <br />