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FORWARD Page 2 27 <br /> aid was requested and what type of assistance is being provided. Furthermore, each officer within <br /> ® a department should have a basic familiarity with mutual aid, the responsibilities when reporting to <br /> another agency and the protections afforded under the agency's worker's compensation. <br /> Management of a mutual aid situation specifically remains under the control of the requesting <br /> party. The sending party retains direction and control of any personnel provided. Yet, the sending <br /> party must coordinate with the requesting party the law enforcement assistance provided. <br /> A reminder about the time commitments for mutual aid requests. While there is no hard and fast <br /> time limit, the commitment of resources can be taxing on agencies. And, in some situations, an <br /> advantage can be gained by ending a mutual aid request and entering into some contractual <br /> assistance. Especially when the law enforcement costs need to be tracked or can be recovered <br /> from other sources. <br /> • The Hennepin County Sheriff's Department ("Sheriff") has again volunteered to serve as the <br /> administrative coordinator of the pact. As communities adopt the Joint Powers Agreement, the <br /> appropriate documentation and signature page need to be forwarded to the Sheriff. The Sheriff <br /> will maintain a current list of the participating parties. The Sheriff will also distribute updates on <br /> available resources. <br /> The effective date for the new Joint Powers Agreement is July 1, 2001. This date was established <br /> to allow enough time for agencies to receive the.appropriate authority and to provide some finality <br /> between, the old pact and the new pact. When a party elects to enter into the new Joint Powers <br /> Agreement, their participation in the old pact will cease on July 1, 2001. Some agencies may elect <br /> to not participate in this pact; those agencies would be bound under other mutual aid agreements <br /> or state statutes. <br /> • <br /> Again, this pact should be viewed as a means whereby participating parties may receive any <br /> file://D:\docs\Forward.htm 4/23/01 <br />