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CC PACKET 06112002
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CC PACKET 06112002
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12/30/2015 7:57:21 PM
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12/30/2015 7:57:14 PM
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CC PACKET 06112002
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28 <br /> E. COUNTY may, at its discretion and upon official request by COOPERATING UNIT, agree to <br /> administer,for a possible fee,other programs and/or activities funded pursuant to this Agreement on <br /> behalf of COOPERATING UNIT. <br /> F. COUNTY may,as necessary for clarification and coordination of program administration,develop and <br /> implement Administrative Rules consistent with the Act,Regulations,HUD administrative directives,. <br /> and administrative requirements of COUNTY. <br /> V. ALLOCATION OF BASIC GRANT AMOUNTS <br /> Basic grant amounts received by the COUNTY under Section 106 of the Act shall be allocated as follows: <br /> A. . COUNTY shall retain thirteen percent(13%)of the annual basic grant amount for the administration of <br /> the program. Included in this administrative amount is funding for annual county-wide Fair Housing <br /> activities. <br /> B. The balance of the basic grant amount shall be made available by COUNTY to COOPERATING <br /> UNITS in accordance with the formula stated in part C and the procedure stated in part D of this <br /> section for the purpose of allowing the COOPERATING UNITS to submit funding requests. The <br /> allocation is for planning purposes only and is not a guarantee of funding. <br /> C. The COUNTY will calculate,for each COOPERATING UNIT,an amount that bears the same ratio to <br /> the balance of the basic grant amount as the average of the ratios between: <br /> 1. The population of COOPERATING UNIT and the population of all COOPERATING UNITS. <br /> 2. The extent of poverty in COOPERATING UNIT and the extent of poverty in all <br /> COOPERATING UNITS. <br /> 3. The extent of overcrowded housing by units in COOPERATING UNIT and the extent of <br /> overcrowded housing by units in all COOPERATING UNITS. <br /> 4. In determining the average of the above ratios,the ratio involving the extent of poverty shall be <br /> counted twice. <br /> D. Funds will be made available to communities utilizing the formula specified in C of this Section in the <br /> following manner: <br /> 1. COOPERATING UNIT qualifying as a Metropolitan City (having populations of at least <br /> 50,000)will receive annual funding allocations equal to the HUD formula entitlement or the <br /> COUNTY formula allocation,whichever is greater. <br /> 2. Other COOPERATING UNITS with COUNTY formula allocations of$75,000 or more will <br /> receive funding allocations in accordance with the formula allocations. <br /> 3. COOPERATING UNITS with COUNTY formula allocations of less than$75,000 will have <br /> their funds consolidated in a pool for award in a manner determined by COUNTY. Only the <br /> COOPERATING UNITS,whose funding has been pooled,will be eligible to compete for these <br /> funds. <br /> 5 <br />
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