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Acti �y esc p o ,Q o f 'li 5 i ame <br /> Environmental Complete AUAR 1.) City to select firm to complete AUAR January— <br /> Review April 2003 <br /> Land Assembly Once an agreement is 1.) Developer contact property owner to determine land September <br /> approved, the developer acquisition estimate. 2003 —May <br /> will begin land assembly. 2004 <br /> If assistance is needed with 2•) City relocation estimate to assist with relocation estimates as <br /> land assembly, it will be needed. <br /> initiated at this time. <br /> 3.) City land acquisition attorney to establish public purpose and <br /> review acquisition process as needed. <br /> 4.) Mediation to assist with land assembly if needed. <br /> 5.) City Council to consider request for assembly assistance, if <br /> needed. <br /> 6.) Relocation of existing businesses <br /> 7.) Demolition of structures <br /> Project After approval of 1.) Developer initiates site prep Spring- <br /> Initiation Development Agreement <br /> and land use approvals 2•) Construction starts Summer <br /> developer will proceed with 2004 <br /> project implementation <br /> steps. <br /> V <br /> St. Anthony Development Activities <br />