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G. Expiration or cancellation of any required insurance,or failure to notify the City within a 48 <br /> reasonable time of changes in the term of the insurance or the carriers. <br /> H. Failure of an establishment granted a license to exhibit satisfactory progress toward <br /> completion of construction within 6 months from its issuance,or failure of an establishment to <br /> operate for a period of 6 months. A hearing shall be held to determine what progress has been <br /> made toward opening or reopening the establishment and,if satisfactory progress is not <br /> demonstrated,the Council may revoke the license. <br /> Subd.4 Presumptive Civil Penalties. The purpose of this Section is to establish a standard by which the <br /> City Council determines the length of license suspensions and the propriety of revocations,and shall apply <br /> to all premises licensed under this Chapter.These penalties are presumed to be appropriate for every case; <br /> however,the Council may deviate in an individual case where the Council finds that there exist substantial <br /> reasons making it more appropriate to deviate,such as,but not limited to,a licensee's efforts in <br /> combination with the State or City to prevent the sale of alcohol to minors.When deviating from these <br /> standards,the Council will provide written findings that support the penalty selected. <br /> The minimum penalties for convictions or violations must be presumed as follows(unless specified, <br /> numbers below indicate consecutive days' suspensions): <br /> Appearance <br /> Type of Violation 1" 2nd 3'd 4`h <br /> A. Commission of a felony Revocation N/A N/A N/A <br /> related to the licensed <br /> activity <br /> B. Sale of liquor while Revocation N/A N/A N/A <br /> license is under suspension <br /> C. Sale of liquor to under-age$500 6 days f 1 Q Revocation [N/A] <br /> persons <br /> D. Sale of liquor to $500 6 days 18 days Revocation <br /> obviously intoxicated person <br /> E. After hours sale of $500 6 days 18 days Revocation <br /> liquor <br /> F. After hours display or $500 6 days 18 days Revocation <br /> consumption of liquor <br /> G. Refusal to allow City $500 15 daysRevocation <br /> inspectors or police <br /> admissions to inspect <br /> premises <br /> H. Illegal gambling on $500 6 days 18 days Revocation <br /> premises <br /> I. Failure to take reasonable $500 6 days 18 days Revocation <br /> steps to stop person from <br /> leaving premises with <br /> liquor(does not apply to <br /> Off-Sale 3.2 Percent Malt <br /> Liquor License) <br /> J. Sale of intoxicating Revocation N/A N/A N/A <br /> -13- <br />