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5 <br /> City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 14, 2003 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 b. Resolution 03-014,re: Call Hearing on 2003 Street Improvements. <br /> 4 Motion by Councilmember Faust to adopt Resolution 03-014, Call Hearing on <br /> 5 Proposed Assessments for 2003 Street Improvements. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 C. Resolution 03-015,re: Call Hearin on n Proposed Assessment for 2003 <br /> 10 Street Improvements. <br /> 11 Motion by Councilmember Faust to adopt Resolution 03-015, Sanitary Sewer <br /> 12 Replacement on South End of City and Trunk Water Main Improvements on <br /> 13 Kenzie Terrace. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Motion carried unanim6usly. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Mr. Hubmer stated that upon approval of these resolutions proposed assessments <br /> 18 will be mailed out regarding the 2003 Street Improvement Projects. He said any <br /> 19 questions can be directed to him. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 2. Resolution 03-016 re: Sanitary sewer replacement on south end of City and trunk <br /> 22 water main improvements on Kenzie Terrace. <br /> 23 Mr. Hubmer stated two high priority projects were identified as a result of the Sanitary <br /> 24 Sewer Water and Needs Study. He said the first project is construction of a new 10-inch <br /> 25 water main loop along Kenzie Terrace South of St. Anthony Boulevard. The new 10- <br /> 26 inch water main is anticipated to cost around$430,000. Mr. Hubmer said the second <br /> 27 project is the replacement of the trunk Sanitary Sewer main from 27`h Avenue South to <br /> 28 the City of Minneapolis. He said the estimated cost of replacing the Sanitary Sewer is <br /> 29 $620,000. He noted that they are proposing to bid this project with two alternates, which <br /> 30 include an open trench method and pipe bursting technology. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Councilmember Faust asked if the 10-inch pipe would be big enough for future <br /> 33 development. Mr. Hubmer responded yes. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Mayor Hodson asked Mr. Humber if this project would be adequate in the event of the <br /> 36 shopping center being redeveloped. Mr. Hubmer responded yes. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Motion by Councilmember Horst to adopt Resolution 03-016, Sanitary Sewer <br /> 39 Replacement on South End of City and Trunk Water Main Improvements on Kenzie <br /> 40 Terrace. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 VII. GENERAL POLICY BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL. <br /> 45 A. Ordinance 2003-001 re: Liquor licensing(15`reading). (Jerry Gilligan,Dorsey& <br /> 46 Whitney will be present). <br />