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PL PACKET 03181984
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PL PACKET 03181984
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PL PACKET 03181984
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-9- <br /> • 1 feet and a corner lot of 11 , 000 + square feet for which no variances <br /> 2 would be needed, unless Violet Dorumsgaard, the property owner to the <br /> 3 west, can come to some agreement with the Walbons to straighten out <br /> 4 the lot line on the east side of her property . In which case, a <br /> 5 variance would be required because the resultant lot would not be <br /> 6 wide enough at the setback line. The Manager said the survey had <br /> 7 been completed with the tentative lot split. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Robert E. Halva, 3948 Central Avenue N.E. , representing Mr. Walbon, <br /> 10 indicated his client would have no problem with Mrs . Dorumsgaard <br /> 11 acquiring the triangular parcel of the property which is.. .in front of <br /> 12 her picture window, but he perceived negotiations between the two had <br /> 13 been unsuccessful to date because Mrs . Dorumsgaard had failed to <br /> i4 realize the costs involved in splitting Torrance property, including <br /> 15 attorney fees and having a registered land survey done would be <br /> 16 incurred if the- property is split into three parcels . He indicated <br /> 17 he had advised his client that a reasonable renumeration- for the <br /> 18 469 . 29 square foot triangular piece would be $2 ,000 and she had <br /> 19 offered one dollar instead. He later inferred the $2 ,000 was not <br /> 20 the final price which his client would accept. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Commissioner Zawislak wanted something done now about the variance <br /> 23 which would be necessary should the negotiations become- successful <br /> 2'4 and said, if the 'lot becomes undersize with Mrs . Dorumsgaard' s <br /> 25 acquisition of the triangular piece, the resultant lot would be <br /> 26 undersized for future single family- development. <br /> • 27 <br /> 28 Mrs . Dorumsgaard was present and indicated her opposition to sub- <br /> 29 dividing without platting unless she could come to some agreement <br /> 30 with the owner. She believes the City of St. Anthony should -never <br /> 31 have issued a building permit for a lot like hers at 3612 - 33rd <br /> 32 Avenue N.E. , which she termed "ridiculous" and she now perceives . the <br /> 33 City is intending to create another just as ridiculous . - She told the <br /> 34 Commissioners that before she bought the property a friend at the <br /> 35 Hennepin County courthouse had assured her that the subject property <br /> 36 would never be used for anything except a park. Commissioner Bower- <br /> 37 man recalled the City had turned down an offer from the County to <br /> 38 donate the land to St. Anthony for that purpose. Mr. Childs said <br /> 39 it had since been determined. that the property belonged to the Walbons <br /> 40 who have had to pay back taxes of about 10 years. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Commissioner Jones asked Mrs . Dorumsgaard if she would be willing to <br /> 43 pay $1..89 a square foot for the parcel and she replied she would not, <br /> 44 since it was at the bottom of a hill , and in front of a trucking <br /> 45 business which made it of no use to anyone except herself. She said <br /> 46 -she" had offered to trade two feet of easterly boundary to Mr. Walbon <br /> 4.7 but Mr.- Halva had said the cost of that transaction would also be <br /> 48 very expensive because of surveying costs and attorney fees . Mr. Halva <br /> 49 indicated -the subdivision should be approved without giving any land <br /> 50 to 'Mrs . Dorumsgaard or taking any away from her, saying his client <br /> 51 had been really amenable resolving their differences but $1 or <br /> • 52 $2 -a square foot wouldn't even pay the costs of transferring the land. <br /> 53 <br /> 54 Commissioner Zawislak wondered if sometime in the future the owner <br /> 55 might need• -that ' additional two feet -to sell the land and, if at <br />
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