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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 10, 1995 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 Dr. Ferguson suggested dividing the cost of the project equally between all the homeowners as <br /> 2 this was a neighborhood project. <br /> 3 Ranallo asked if the large lot would then pay the same as a small lot. <br /> 4 Dr. Ferguson suggested that this was a neighborhood project and that all residents benefitted <br /> 5 approximately the same, depending on how they traveled. He stated it appeared the average <br /> 6 assessment was$3,200.00 and all residents should be assessed for the project. <br /> 7 Motion by Marks, second by Wager to close the public hearing at 8:07 P.M. <br /> 8 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 In response to Ranallo, Marks reported there were five properties with assessments over <br /> 11 $4,000.00, including the water main connection fee. He stated that the assessments on the cul- <br /> 12 de-sac and Mr. Ferguson's corner lot really did seem high. <br /> 13 Wagner commented that the assessments for corner lots had been drastically reduced with the <br /> 14 new policy of 100% of short side and one-third of the long side. <br /> 0 Larry Hamer, Public Works Director, reported that the only other cul-de-sac that had been done <br /> 16 was on Croft and that was an overlay and not a reconstruct. <br /> 17 Enrooth suggested using the existing formula, but not to exceed an arbitrary number, such as <br /> 18 $3,500.00. This would be done for any assessments over$3,500.00. He stated there were five <br /> 19 such assessments. This figure could then be adjusted as needed each year. <br /> 20 In response to Ranallo, Soth stated that this would be legal to do. <br /> 21 Ranallo asked if the cul-de-sac was not to exceed $3,500.00, then would this number be adjusted <br /> 22 with each project and would it be necessary to hold public hearings on the issue. <br /> 23 Soth stated the assessments could be determined by the policy but then each individual <br /> 24 assessment could be addressed. If the policy provided a result that was not right, adjustments' <br /> 25 could be made on an individual basis. He stated the council can also change the policy for future <br /> 26 projects. He stated that the difference in fees would have to come from the general fund. <br /> 27 Motion by Fleming, second by Marks to change the estimated street assessment for the Harold <br /> 28 Froehlich property, located at 3016 Armour Terrace to $3,500.00 based on the fact it is a cul-de- <br /> 29 sac. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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