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PL PACKET 07171997
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PL PACKET 07171997
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Planning-Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 20, 1997 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Chair Bergstrom closed the public hearing at 7:27 P.M. <br /> 2 Chair Bergstrom noted the Planning Commission generally is in favor of a proposal which <br /> 3 takes a lot that is less than currently allowed to be platted in terms of lot size, and constructs <br /> 4 a house which requires no setback or lot coverage variances. He noted Staff and the <br /> 5 Commission have been clear as to the setback and lot coverage requirements for this proposal. <br /> 6 The request appears reasonable and he was in favor of the variance <br /> 7 Motion by Gondorchin to recommend approval of the lot area variance of 1,800 square feet <br /> 8 provided Ms. Kahn constructs a house that is within the setback and lot coverage requirements <br /> 9 for a residential corner lot and as it meets the following criteria of a variance request: <br /> 10 1. This land cannot be put to reasonable use without granting the variance; <br /> 11 2. The hardship was not created by the landowner but is unique to the individual and.this <br /> 12 lot; <br /> 13 3. This variance is within the spirit of the redevelopment of St. Anthony and economic <br /> 14 considerations are not the sole criteria. <br /> 15 Commissioner Franzese seconded the motion and suggested a fourth criteria of the variance <br /> 16 request: <br /> 17 4. No one appeared to speak against this request. <br /> 18 Commissioner Gondorchin accepted the amendment to the motion. <br /> 19 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 20 Chair Bergstrom noted this request will be considered by the City Council at their meeting on <br /> 21 May 27, 1997. <br /> 22 VI. DESIGNATE PLANNING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE FOR MAY 27, 1997 <br /> 23 COUNCIL MEETING. <br /> 24 Commissioner Thompson was appointed as the Planning Commission representative for the <br /> 25 Tuesday, May 27, 1997, City Council meeting. <br /> 26 VII. OTHER BUSINESS. <br /> 27 1. John and Liesha Ingdal -- Lot Width Variance. <br /> 28 Ms. Moore-Sykes reported Mr. and Mrs. Ingdal are proposing to buy a vacant lot at 3613 <br /> 29 Edward Street. The lot is 60 feet x 265 feet, giving it 15,900 square feet, which is more area <br /> 30 than is required for an interior R-1 lot. The problem is that this vacant lot is only 60 feet <br /> 31 wide, making it a non-buildable lot according to the City's Zoning Ordinance. <br /> 32 Most of the lots in the neighborhood are only 60 feet wide or less, but were developed before <br /> 33 the Ordinance was codified in 1978. The house on the property directly south of the subject <br />
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