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PL PACKET 07171997
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PL PACKET 07171997
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STAFF REPORT <br /> DATE: June 17, 1997 <br /> TO: Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Kim Moore-Sykes, Management Assistant <br /> ITEM: 97-04 R-1 Lot Width Variance for 3613 Edward Street -- <br /> John and Liesha Ingdal, Buyers <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Ingdal are proposing to buy a vacant lot at 3613 Edward Street. The lot is <br /> 60 ft. x 265 ft, giving it 15,900 sq. ft., which is more area than is required for an interior <br /> R-1 lot. This R-1 designated lot is only 60 ft. wide, making it a non-buildable lot <br /> according to the City's Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance requires that all R-1 <br /> interior lots be 75 feet wide, so this lot width variance request is for 15 feet. <br /> ANALYSIS: <br /> Several lots in this residential neighborhood are only 60 ft. wide or less and were developed <br /> before the Ordinance was codified in 1976. The house on the property directly south of <br /> the subject property, 3609 Edward Street, was constructed in 1964; the construction date of <br /> the property north of the subject property was 1945. <br /> When Mr. and Mrs. Ingdal met with Staff, there was some concern that this lot had been <br /> illegally subdivided from one of the adjacent properties. The City Zoning Code does not <br /> allow for the subdivision of property that creates a lot that is smaller than the minimum <br /> lot size required, (Section 1650.01, Subd. 1). But upon examining the tax records and <br /> speaking to the Ingdals, City Staff determined that the platting of these lots had occurred <br /> prior to August 18, 1976 and the subject lot was not and had not been owned by the <br /> owners of the adjacent lots. <br /> The Ingdals are proposing to construct their home on this lot, should their variance request <br /> is approved. They have assured Staff that they will not require additional variances; the <br /> square footage of the lot is sufficient to build a home on. <br /> The hardship that this variance request seeks to mitigate is that the lot was platted and <br /> recorded with Hennepin County before the City's Zoning Ordinance was codified. The <br /> hardship is not of the applicants' making, but is unique to the area and this lot. The <br /> granting of this variance request would be supportive of the City's commitment to the <br /> Livable Communities Act and in agreement with St. Anthony's Housing Action Plan. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: <br /> Staff recommends approval of the lot width variance request for 15 feet. Mr. and Mrs. <br /> Ingdal are proposing to build their home on this site,'which is one of the few vacant lots <br /> remaining in the City. Because Mrs. Ingdal is from St. Anthony, they are very committed <br /> to this project. <br />
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