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1640.04 Accessory Uses. Subject to the provisions of Section 1650, the following uses are <br /> permitted accessory uses in the LI District: <br /> (a) Storage sheds which do not exceed one story in height and which have been <br /> approved by the Council as to size and design. <br /> (b) Buildings temporarily located on the premises.for purposes of construction <br /> for a period not to exceed completion of construction. <br /> 1640.05 Dimensional Regulations. <br /> Subd. 1. Height. No structure may exceed 35 feet in height or contain more than <br /> three stories. <br /> Subd. 2. Lot Area and Width. The minimum lot area is 15,000 square feet, and the <br /> minimum lot width is 100 feet. <br /> Subd. 3. Front Yard. The front yard must have a depth equal to the greater of 40 <br /> feet or a distance equal to the average of the setbacks of structures on the two <br /> adjoining lots. <br /> Subd. 4. Side Yards. Side yards on interior lots must be at least 15 feet each. Side <br /> yards adjoining a street must be at least 40 feet. <br /> Subd.-5. Rear Yards. The rear yard must be at least 15 feet in depth. <br /> Subd. 6. Floor Area Ratio. The floor area ratio in the LI District may not exceed 1.5. <br /> Subd. 7. Setbacks From Residential Districts. There must be a setback of at least 20 <br /> feet from any property in a residential district, within which setback area parking, <br /> storage and/or loading facilities are excluded. <br /> Section 1645 - R/O RECREATIONAL/OPEN SPACE DISTRICT <br /> 1645.01 PuMose. The purpose of the R/O District is to regulate development in those <br /> areas which have significant natural amenities such as trees, terrain, and water resources, <br /> and to regulate development for recreational purposes in areas which have significant <br /> public or private recreational potential. <br /> 1645.02 Permitted Uses. Only the following uses are permitted in the R/O District: <br /> (a) Outdoor or indoor recreational facilities and their supporting structures <br /> operated by a governmental agency, a private, nonprofit service organization <br /> or conservation group, including but not limited to lodges, kitchens, dining <br /> halls and supporting restaurants, dormitories and golf courses. <br /> (b) Trails and pathways for pedestrians and non-motorized means of transit. <br /> 16-29 <br />