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r <br /> Subd. 1. Height. No structure may exceed 35 feet in height or contain more than <br /> three stories. <br /> Subd. 2. Setbacks. No structure may be constructed or placed within 25 feet of a <br /> property line. <br /> Subd. 3. Lake Setback. No structure may be constructed or placed within 200 feet of <br /> a lake or within 75 feet of a watercourse or ponding area. <br /> 1645.06 Building Design Requirements. All structures must be constructed of a material <br /> and of a design compatible with the natural environment as determined by the <br /> Planning Commission and Council, and must conform with all applicable laws. <br /> Section 1650 - GENERAL REGULATIONS <br /> 1650.01 Lot Requirements. <br /> Subd. 1. Lot Size. Adjoining lots which were in common ownership on or after <br /> August 18; 1976 according to the real estate records of Hennepin or Ramsey County, <br /> Minnesota, will be deemed a single parcel if one or more of the lots is smaller than . <br /> the minimum lot size required under the Zoning Code. <br /> Subd. 2. Principal Structure. There may be no more than one principal structure <br /> on a lot in any R-1,R-1A or R-2 District. <br /> Subd. 3. Street Lines. On a through lot,both street lines will be front lot lines for <br /> applying the yard and parking requirements of the Zoning Code. <br /> 1650.02 Accessory Buildings. <br /> Subd. 1. In Yards. No detached accessory building may be located within any yard <br /> other than the rear yard, except that garages may be located in side yards. <br /> Subd. 2. Minimum Setback. No accessory building or any eave or other portion of <br /> any accessory building may be located within three feet of any property line, except <br /> as provided in Subdivision 6 of this Section. <br /> Subd. 3. Accessory Buildings Attached. If an accessory building is attached to the <br /> principal structure, it will be considered a part of the principal structure and must <br /> comply with all setbacks and other requirements applicable to the principal <br /> structure. <br /> Subd. 4. Setback from Principal Structure. Unless attached to and made a part of <br /> the principal structure, no eave or other portion of an accessory building may be <br /> closer than five feet from any eave or other portion of a principal structure, except <br /> as provided in Subdivision 6 of this Section. <br /> 16-31 <br />