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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> October 17, 2000 <br /> Page 5 <br /> • <br /> 1 Hatch was concerned about external-displays. Mr. Kalscheur reassured the Commission that <br /> 2 Walgreens typically does not have outside displays, other than a possible banner now and then <br /> 3 announcing a special promotion. <br /> 4 Bergstrom summarized the presentation by stating that the design was complacent with a <br /> 5 residential setting. He noted that Walgreens was not requesting any variances, and that the <br /> 6 conditional use process would be gone through in terms of replatting. Regarding lighting,he <br /> 7 would ask that the external lighting be in compliance with the City's newly-adopted standards. <br /> 8 Pylon signs would be discouraged, but rather a monument sign would be encouraged_. <br /> 9 Additionally, the Commission would like to see more about the colors in the general design. <br /> 10 Bergstrom noted the City's struggles with stormwater runoff over the past few years, and invited <br /> 11 Walgreens and its representatives to think seriously about stormwater issues to retain and <br /> 12 infiltrate as much water as possible. , <br /> 13 Chair Bergstrom thanked Mr. Kalscheur for his presentation. <br /> 14 2. Concept Review. Accurate Wire Solutions, Inc. is Proposing to Purchase City-Owned <br /> 15 Property at the Northeastern Termination of Anthony Lane. <br /> 16 Chair Bergstrom invited a report from Assistant City Manager Isom. Isom noted that Mr. Roger <br /> �17 Stoick, President of Accurate Solutions, Inc. was present for a concept review. .Isom invited Mr. <br /> 18 - Stoick to address the Commission. <br /> 19 Mr. Stoick began by stating that Accurate Wire Solutions, Inc. understands that the land adjacent <br /> 20 to their building (which is at 2917 Anthony Lane North) is a piece of property owned by St. <br /> 21 Anthony and was originally be a road connecting Anthony Lane North to Ramsey <br /> 22 County. However, he stated that the property where the proposed road would connect to is now <br /> 23 developed, and it was his understanding that the road would not be built. <br /> 24 Accurate Wire Solutions, Inc. was interested in purchasing the property from the City and also to <br /> 25 construct an addition to the building equivalent to the size of the property that would be acquired <br /> 26 from the City. In essence, the company wanted to build a wing onto the building which would <br /> 27 be approximately 160 feet long by 40-50 feet wide. <br /> 28 Chair Bergstrom directed the Commissioner's attention to a letter dated October 11, 2000 from <br /> 29 City Attorney Soth wherein Mr. Soth offered his legal opinion with regard to the proposal by <br /> .30 Accurate Wire Solutions. <br /> 31 Thomas inquired if Accurate Wire"Solutions planned on adding employees. Mr. Stoick <br /> 32 responded that eventually about 5:6 employees would be hired, but currently the company is in <br /> 33 need of more room in which to work. <br /> �34 Hanson inquired about adequate parking. Mr. Stoick stated that currently the business has about <br /> 35 18-20 cars in the parking lot, which is designed for approximately 30 vehicles. <br /> 36 Assistant City Manager Isom was asked to clarify City Attorney Soth's letter. Isom noted that <br />
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