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r f <br /> Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 17, 2001 <br /> Page 9 <br /> not today. <br /> 2 Chair Melsha asked Mr. Prosser to elaborate on some of Mr. Nelson's points. <br /> 3 Mr. Prosser stated that the change in the tax structure puts a general education levy back on the <br /> 4 state. He added that, in any case, they need to look at the specific proposal. Mr. Prosser gave <br /> 5 an example of 300-unit in Richfield that had no effect on the school system. He indicated that <br /> 6 Police services are driven more by retail and corporate. He identified the questions as good <br /> 7 and that they should be noted. Mr. Prosser added that even doing nothing is not a zero-impact <br /> 8 option. <br /> 9 Jake Cadwallader who owns a property within the discussed area, came forward to address <br /> 10 the Commission. He stated concern about the notification for the public hearing. He stated his <br /> 11 concerns were financial, and that he had received a copy of the tax increment financing funds <br /> 12 that were available. He stated that the numbers he received did not account for cause and <br /> 13 effect of buying businesses and buildings. He was concerned about not knowing how the cost <br /> 14 and cash are going to be established and believed it was reason for not moving forward. He <br /> 15 stated that the actual cost of the property is the problem. He identified the 40%shortfall and <br /> 16 the cost factors involved in this project as the reasons why he does not see it possible to move <br /> 17 forward with the project. He stated he has owned an office in the City of St. Anthony since <br /> 18 1972. He concluded that, if the 40% can be remedied, he would love to see it happen, but said <br /> 19 he would be happy to see the City wait for a year, or more and let the financing get straightened <br /> 20 out. <br /> 21 Mr. Shardlow stated that the public hearing portion of this is not to-be approving anything, but <br /> 22 to recommend moving forward. He stated that they need to see if a real proposal is going to <br /> 23 happen. <br /> 24 Commissioner Hanson asked if there was a cost associated with the City in order to move <br /> 25 forward. Mr. Shardlow stated that they have essentially completed the work that was in their <br /> 26 contract. <br /> 27 Resident Billie Deblak asked if the Northwest Quadrant was zoned commercial: Chair Melsha <br /> 28 stated that it was not all zoned commercial. She asked if there was anything to prevent a <br /> 29 property-owner from selling their property. Mr. Prosser stated there was nothing to prevent a <br /> 30 property-owner from selling their property to any developer at this time. He added that the <br /> 31 reality it would be very difficult for a developer to come in at this time and do piecemeal <br /> 32 development. <br /> 33 Resident Jeanette Dick asked if the corporate offices were to definitely be where they were on <br /> 34 the map. Chair Melsha stated the maps contain concepts, and that nothing was for certain. <br /> 35 She asked if they could be placed in the empty parking lot by Apache Medical, and if the units <br /> 36 were intended to be rented, or owned. Chair Melsha stated that all are to be determined. Ms. <br /> 37 Dick concluded by saying that in the 2000 Census, half of the units that came out were rental, <br />