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PL PACKET 04202003
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PL PACKET 04202003
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PL PACKET 04202003
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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 04/14/04 MEETING DATE: 04/20/04 <br /> TO: Chair Stromgren & Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Susan M.H. Hall, Assistant City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: 3201 32"d Ave NE Demolition/New Construction - Concept <br /> Review <br /> Requested Action: <br /> At the April 20, 2004, Planning Commission meeting, John and Joan Lovelette are <br /> requesting a concept review of three variance requests, which are required for the <br /> construction of a new home at 3201 32"d Avenue NE. The petitioners will return to the <br /> May 18 Planning Commission meeting for a public hearing on the variance requests. <br /> The City Council will review the requests at their May 25 meeting. <br /> Background: <br /> The petitioners plan to demolish an 80-year-old home currently on the property and build <br /> a new, two-story 2,783 square foot home. The subject property measures 50 X 175.The <br /> variances necessary to complete the project include a square footage variance as the <br /> subject property's lot size is under the minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet, at 8,750 <br /> square feet. Therefore, the petitioner is requesting a 250 square foot variance for this <br /> requirement. Also, minimum lot width is 75 feet and the subject property's lot width is 50 <br /> feet. Therefore, the petitioner is requesting a 25-foot variance for this requirement. <br /> A third variance being requested by the petitioners is for floor area ratio (FAR). The floor <br /> area maximum is 30 percent of the lot, or 2625 square feet in this case. The proposed <br /> home would exceed the floor area ratio requirement by 99 square feet with the lot <br /> measuring 8750 square feet and the proposed floor area calculated by the City's <br /> Building Official is 2724 square feet. The plan shows 2752 square feet on the first and <br /> second floors. The variance to meet the City's FAR requirement would be in the amount <br /> of 99 square feet. Please note there is a discrepancy in the square footage from what <br /> the Building Official figures and the petitioner's plan. The basement level and garage <br /> square footages are excluded from the FAR calculation. The petitioners are not in <br /> agreement with the City's calculation of FAR, as you will note from their application <br /> attached. <br /> Staff has not yet received a site plan/survey depicting the home's footprint on the lot. <br /> However, this has been requested of the petitioner for the May public hearing. This site <br /> plan will be necessary to verify setbacks, lot coverage, etc. The petitioner has submitted <br /> a hand drawing. <br /> As far as the square footage and lot width requirements, precedence for cases like this <br /> has been the City Council has approved such requests because of the unique <br /> circumstances and limitations surrounding the smaller lot size. The FAR requirement is <br /> another issue. The reason for the requirement is to limit the mass of a structure. Last <br />
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