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PL PACKET 01202004
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PL PACKET 01202004
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PL PACKET 01202004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> December 16, 2003 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 Rod Rabine, 2800 34`h Avenue NE, is requesting two variances to complete an addition to <br /> 2 the front of his home. She explained that the first variance request is for lot coverage; the <br /> 3 proposed addition exceeds the allowable maximum of 35 percent in the R-1 single-family <br /> 4 zoning district by 2 percent. According to the petitioner, the project will put the total lot <br /> 5 coverage over by approximately 220 square feet. With the proposed addition, the lot <br /> 6 coverage would measure 3,895 square feet and the lot measures 10,500 square feet, for a <br /> 7 total of 37 percent lot coverage. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Ms. Hall explained that the second variance request is for the front yard setback because <br /> 10 the proposed addition would encroach into the front yard by ten feet. In the R-1 single- <br /> 11 family zoning district, the front yard must have a depth equal to the greater of 30 feet or a <br /> 12 distance equal to the average of the front yard depths of the two adjacent lots. Given this <br /> 13 formula, staff went to the subject property to measure the adjacent two lots. Staff found <br /> 14 that the east property(2804 34`h Avenue NE) measures 30 feet from curb to home and the <br /> 15 west property(2712 34`h Avenue NE) measures 35 feet from curb to home. An average of <br /> 16 the two adjacent lots is 33 feet; therefore, the subject property should have this depth at a <br /> 17 minimum. The petitioner is proposing to extend 10 feet out from the current front of <br /> 18 home, or a 10-foot variance request, which would leave a 23-foot front yard setback. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Ms. Hall further explained that the petitioner is requesting two variances be granted for a <br /> 21 240 square foot addition to the front of his home. The addition includes a handicap <br /> 22 accessible front entry and a handicap bathroom on the main floor. The petitioner explains <br /> 23 the hardship is his mother who stays with his family on occasion; she is in need of the <br /> 24 handicap accessible entry and bathroom. While the petitioner's application contains <br /> 25 front yard measurements on a hand drawing, staff verified the subject property in relation <br /> 26 to the neighboring lots, because of the formula for the front yard setback in the zoning <br /> 27 code. The measurements on the hand drawing are not reflective of staff's interpretation; <br /> 28 however, the petitioner is in agreement with city staff at this point. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Mr. Rabine provided a drawing of the proposed addition and reviewed it with the <br /> 31 Commission. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Chair Melsha asked if the proposed bathroom would be located where an existing <br /> 34 bedroom is located. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Mr. Rabine indicated that it would be and then said that they would be using <br /> 37 approximately eight(8) feet for the handicapped accessible shower and toilet. Mr. <br /> 38 Rabine indicated his main concern is to be able to provide handicapped accessibility to <br /> 39 his home to allow his elderly parents to stay with him for extended stays and, should his <br /> 40 father pass away, his mother would live with them. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Commissioner Tillman asked if Mr. Rabine had considered adding onto the rear of the <br /> 43 home. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Mr. Rabine indicated that all the plumbing is in that location and he was attempting to <br /> 46 keep costs down by making the construction as easy as possible. <br /> 47 <br />
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