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Electronic Sign <br /> Page 2 <br /> 4. Priority Order: <br /> a. City Council meetings and public notices, <br /> b. City events of a community-wide nature. <br /> c. Events relating to a narrow portion of the community such as churches, <br /> schools and non-profit organizations. <br /> d. City Manager or his designee will have final approval of priority. <br /> 5. Political Announcements. <br /> a. Only activities, meetings, etc. which are open to general public will be <br /> announced. Activities or meetings where a fee is charged must have the fee <br /> noted in the announcement. <br /> b. No announcement may endorse, urge, support or attempt to influence the public with <br /> regard to any candidate or issue, nor may any announcement be used for making <br /> statements, promises, or any other campaign messages. Names of candidates or <br /> issues will be used only when such names are necessary to identify the purpose of, or <br /> speakers at, a meeting or an event. <br /> 6. Procedure. <br /> a. Requests for billboard space must be made in writing to the City Managers or <br /> his designee two weeks prior to the Monday on which the marquees are <br /> changed. <br /> b. Upon approval, the City Manager or his designee, will provide copies of the <br /> billboard announcement to the requesting person. <br /> C. The format and style of messages presented on the community billboard will <br /> be dictated by the physical limitations of the marquee. <br /> 7. Responsibility: <br /> a. The City Manager bears ultimate responsibility for the enforcement <br /> and interpretations of the policies outlined in this procedure. <br />