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PL PACKET 07202004
Parks & Planning Commission
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PL PACKET 07202004
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12/30/2015 7:45:40 PM
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12/30/2015 7:45:31 PM
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PL PACKET 07202004
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Petition for Variance <br /> Owners: Dave and Lisa Wiggins <br /> Property: 3200 Skycroft Drive NE <br /> Request: Side Yard Variance <br /> This purpose of this letter is to request an 12 foot side yard variance to accommodate,an <br /> addition to our single-family, split-level residence at 3200 Skycroft Drive. City code <br /> requires that a side lot adjacent to a street be at least 45 feet wide(30 feet plus an additional <br /> 15 feet for street easement/public right of way). The addition we are proposing would put <br /> our structure within 33 feet of 32°a Avenue. <br /> CURRENTLY: The structure we currently live in was built in 1961, and has been carefully <br /> maintained and updated for over 40 years. It is difficult to argue that the property cannot be <br /> put to "reasonable use"without an addition when it has been so efficiently utilized in the <br /> past. Yet, we are finding the house lacking in many important respects. First, there is a need <br /> for a larger, more useful, and efficient living space on our main floor. Second, we need more <br /> storage space. Our closets are small, the basement is small and crowded, and the attic is <br /> unusable for storage. Third, we need a room that would function as a home office space. As <br /> a math teacher, I have a need for additional space at home for my library, files, and desktop <br /> computer. <br /> PROPOSED: The proposed 15x25 foot addition would include a main floor family room, a <br /> basement office, and a basement bedroom. Modifications in main floor layout would allow <br /> for more efficient use of our dining room and kitchen. Additional storage would be <br /> accomplished through built-in cabinets and shelves in the new family room and modifying <br /> the basement layout. We believe this addition would not alter the essential character of the <br /> locality, noting that neighboring properties along 32°a Avenue are set back similar distances <br /> from the curb and that potentially problematic sight lines from the streets to the addition are <br /> blocked by a large pine tree. <br /> HARDSHIP: It is our belief that the side yard is the only viable option for the proposed <br /> addition. Visually, the side yard along the street seems to be large enough for the addition. <br /> If this side yard were adjacent to another property, we would not need a variance. However, <br /> city code indicates that for corner lots, a distance of 45 feet from the street be maintained. <br /> Could the addition be put in rear yard,where no variance would be needed? We believe a <br /> rear addition would: <br /> 1) likely result in the loss of a mature shade tree (40 year old basswood); <br /> 2) ruin the character and functionality of our landscaped rear yard; <br /> 3) reverse recently corrected watershed problems due to the slope toward the house; <br /> 4) exacerbate water runoff problems for our north neighbor at 3204 Skycroft Drive. <br /> Respectfully, <br />
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