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ORDINANCE NO. 81-002 <br /> • AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING_ THE SALE, PROMOTION AND PRODUCTION OF <br /> OBSCENE MATERIALS AND PROVIDING .A PENALTY. THEREFOR, AMENDING <br /> CHAPTER IX OF THE 1973 CODE OF- ST. ANTHONY ORDINANCES BY <br /> ADDING A SECTION. .975_ AND BY REPEALING <br /> SUBDIVISION 16 OF SECTION 930 :00 <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Manager suggested a two tiered license feefor sauna parlors, etc. <br /> to be licensed under Ordinance 1981-003, with an initial fee. of $500 <br /> and $100 charged for renewal of an existing license. When questioned <br /> as to how the ordinance had originated, Mayor Haik told those present <br /> concerns had been raised about the economic conditions of the west <br /> side of the St. Anthony Shopping center and the -fact that a request <br /> had come in for an operation which would handle X-rated movies for <br /> the center had increased the Council 's concern about what other types <br /> of stores might try to locate there. Mr. Soth said ordinances <br /> established- after an .operation has requested a license- are historically' <br /> not upheld in court and saw the ordinance which is based on one <br /> developed for Edina as an opportunity for establishing criteria for <br /> this type of operation before they seek permission to operate in the <br /> community. He will research the validity of the fees which are sug- <br /> gested before the final reading of the ordinance. <br /> Mrs. Makowske. said she had recently found out New -Brighton licenses <br /> • all businesses in that city. <br /> Elie Dubay, 3012 32nd Avenue N.E. , saw "a further deterioration of <br /> standards for St. Anthony" mentioning .problems with the Fun Center and <br /> a drug related murder in his own neighborhood. He said "crime is <br /> booming in St. Anthony" . <br /> Councilman Marks told him he believes it' s better to have an ordinance <br /> on the books to -provide- some control of this .type of operation. Chief <br /> Hickerson agreed, saying although there are ways of avoiding prosecu- <br /> tion for violation of the ordinance such as calling an establishment <br /> a "rap parlor , he sees more control of these operations through <br /> licensing. Mr. Fornell suggested some differentiation. should be made <br /> in the ordinance between sauna and "rap" parlors and the legitimate <br /> whirlpool and sauna services provided by such establishments as the <br /> St. Anthony Health and Sports Club. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks to <br /> approve the second reading of Ordinance 1981-003 and to request the <br /> City Attorney to look at Section No.. 2 to ascertain how a distinction <br /> can be made between sauna and '-massage parlors and the sauna room in <br /> the St. Anthony Health and Sports Club. <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 1981-003 <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSING AND REGULATION <br /> • OF SAUNA PARLORS, MASSAGE PARLORS , PHYSICAL CULTURE <br /> AND HEALTH SERVICES AND CLUB, MASSEURS AND MASSEUSES; <br /> AMENDING CHAPTER IV OF THE 1973 CODE OF ST., ANTHONY <br /> ORDINANCES BY ADDING A SECTION 450 <br />