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-5- <br /> • Attorney advised none of this should be a legal concern of the City and <br /> a decision on the request for subdivision without platting would be <br /> made independent of any negotiations between private parties . Com- <br /> missioner Bowerman concurred, saying it had been the decision of the <br /> Planning Commission that the only question they had before them was <br /> whether to recommend the subdivision without platting of a parcel which <br /> could result in two buildable lots of approximately 9 ,.600 and 11,000 <br /> square feet. <br /> The recollection was that the triangular piece of the property had <br /> originally been created when the County had contemplated a road improve- <br /> ment which never materialized and the Walbons had finally been determined <br /> to own the parcel and had paid back taxes for ten years on it. <br /> Mr. Halva stated his client would be willing to accept any drawing <br /> of lot lines the City wants and tabling the matter would be no problem <br /> since there are no plans to build on the property at this time . He <br /> added a delay would give him an opportunity to research just what <br /> limitations the County would place on drawing the lot lines and to- <br /> continue negotiations with Mrs.. Dorumsgaard, who had also indicated <br /> she wanted the matter tabled. Councilman Ranallo again indicated <br /> his concern about creating a non-conforming lot. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Enrooth to <br /> table action until the March 13th Council meeting on the Walbon request <br /> for subdividing without platting of their property on the corner of <br /> • 33rd Avenue N.E. and Old Highway 8. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The consideration of the final plat for the Midland Park Addition <br /> included a discussion of the berming for that office building signage . <br /> Councilman Marks indicated he perceived it had been that signage , <br /> along with the .signage for the real estate office on Silver Lake Road, <br /> which had been the impetus for the new Sign Ordinance.. Councilman <br /> Enrooth said he believed the berming for the Midland Office building <br /> signage had in the long run been validated with the final elevations <br /> for County Road C. <br /> Motion by Councilman Marks and seconded by Councilman Ranallo to, <br /> approve the final platting of Lots 3 and 4., Block 2 , St. Anthony Office <br /> Park Addition (.281.7 Anthony Lane South) as the Midland Park Addition, <br /> which would combine- the two lots and officially transfer a 60 foot <br /> X 212 . 46 foot tract of land to the westerly abutting property. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Joann Nelson, President of Recycling Unlimited discussed her offer <br /> to provide curb-side pickup for recyclable materials in the City, as <br /> her non-profit company is now doing in Minneapolis- and St. Paul and <br /> other suburban .communities . Sheindicated she would like to begin <br /> • the service in St. Anthony in April, at the same time the program is <br /> initiated in New Brighton , and Ms . Nelson indicated she hoped, in the <br /> interim, a publicity program to educate the residents about the service <br /> would be undertaken by the City . <br />