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-7- <br /> Councilmember Marks reported- attending the July 18th meeting of the Executive <br /> • Board of the Youth Service Bureau and the Miller Schroeder meeting the previous <br /> day where Congressmen Sabo and Frenzel had spoken about the inequities in treatment <br /> they both perceived in the proposed national budget as it would apply to the "Rust <br /> Belt" as compared-to the "Sun Belt" sections of the country. The City official <br /> also reported Congressman Frenzel 's perception of the cause of the existing national <br /> deficit and the inflationary effects a long time in the future from the deficit <br /> spending at this time. <br /> The July 8th report on cases handled by the Hance firm in Hennepin County Municipal <br /> Court July 3rd was noted and ordered filed. <br /> There was no interest on the Council to serve on the new Community Action Agency <br /> CCASH)_ which had been reported in the July 12th letter from the Board of Hennepin <br /> County Commissioners. Because the County Road D reconstruction project had been <br /> delayed for most of the summer, Mr. Childs said Larry Hamer had advised him by memo <br /> that day that he would be losing some of his summer help and that Herman Weber would <br /> be going back into the hospital and would also be unavailable to work on the water- <br /> main construction project which the City has planned. To get the job done, the <br /> Public Works Director had therefore requested he be authorized to rent a second <br /> backhoe with -an operator-for approximately four days at a cost of $100 an hour. <br /> Motion by Councilmember Marks and seconded by Councilmember Ranallo to approve the <br /> Public Works Director's request to rent the equipment and personnel necessary to <br /> complete .the watermain installation project on County Road D. <br /> • Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Childs advised that a special Council meeting would be necessary to approve the <br /> mortgage documents for the Kenzington project, The decision was made that the <br /> meeting could possibly be held at 5:30 P.M. either the 1st or 2nd of August, if <br /> documents are completed in time. He would expect the final papers for the Townhomes <br /> of St. Anthony to be ready next week, and, the Manager said, he understood <br /> Brighton Development would be starting construction on Phase 1 immediately. The <br /> Walker Methodist senior housing project on Kenzie Terrace would be started on <br /> schedule, late in August, and, although Mr. Childs had heard nothing further from <br /> the developers of Chandler Place, he said he would anticipate receiving a report <br /> after the bids are taken in mid-August. <br /> To his July 23rd memorandum to the Council members and Mayor, Steve Carlson had <br /> attached a proposal for street reconstruction projects for the next five years <br /> which would be eligible for MSA funding and which might be lost to the City if at <br /> least a plan is not submitted to the state for utilizing the $130,000 available <br /> each year for the reconstruction of MSA streets, according to the Administrative <br /> Intern. <br /> Mr. Carlson's proposal included $75,000 to be paid towards the City's participation <br /> in the reconstruction of County Road D in 1985; $310,000 to be applied towards the <br /> reconstruction of St. Anthony Boulevard from Stinson Boulevard to Highway 88; and <br /> $100,000 to be dedicated towards the reconstruction of Wilson Street N.E. from <br /> St. Anthony Boulevard to 31st Avenue N.E. in 1986; and finally, $300,000 to be <br /> utilized in 1988 for the reconstruction of St. Anthony Boulevard from the bridge <br /> • to the City limits, past Gross. Golf Course. <br />