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CC MINUTES 12171985
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 12171985
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CC MINUTES 12171985
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-3- <br /> hiking and biking areas. Mr. Gove indicated some of these activities had been <br /> developed to generate more revenues to offset the tax levy for the 1986 budget of <br /> 8.1 million dollars, which represented an increase of 11%. Two hundred dollars of <br /> that increase would be necessary to offset the anticipated raise in liability <br /> insurance rates, the Park Manager said, if the district is even able to get that <br /> coverage at all . <br /> Mayor Sundland told Mr. Gove the City had been faced with the prospect of paying <br /> the same type of increase in liability rates this year but the Council perceived <br /> they had avoided about $40.,000 by retaining a risk management firm to shop around <br /> for a better deal . The park representative said he would recommend the park district <br /> investigate doing the same. After he had completed the slide presentation during <br /> which he had indicated that, in addition to, developing new park areas, the Hennepin <br /> Parks would be setting up a fund for rehabilitating the existing park areas, for <br /> which there is no outside funding available at this time, Mr. Gove thanked the <br /> Mayor and Council for the opportunity to speak to them that evening . He said <br /> the district did want to be more responsive and accountable to the communities they <br /> serve. <br /> Mayor Sundland responded by saying the personalized report on where the park funds <br /> are spent was certainly appreciated, especially now that thelevying power provided <br /> a better visual picture of the effect the park district has on the homestead taxes . <br /> The Mayor added that he and the Council had the importance of their own metropolitan <br /> park system brought home to them at every national conference they attend where <br /> other elected officials from all around the country express their amazement at the <br /> amount of land set aside for recreational purposes in this area. <br /> • Mr. Childs had distributed copies of the December 13th invitation to Mayor Sundland <br /> to testify regarding the reauthorization of the Superfund program at a Congressional <br /> hearing to be held in the State Capitol Building, December 20th. The Mayor indi- <br /> cated the St. Anthony and New Brighton City Managers would be giving a joint <br /> presentation on their cities' water contamination problems and he indicated he <br /> .would expect Mr. Childs would be reporting back to the Council on the hearing during <br /> their first meeting in January. Mayor Sundland concluded his report by extending <br /> his own and his wife, Ardelle' s, "Best wishes for a happy holiday season and <br /> prosperous New Year" to the other Councilmembers, staff, their families, and all the <br /> residents of St. Anthony. <br /> Councilmember Marks thanked the Mayor for his greeting before giving his own report <br /> which included his participation in another Planning and Zoning Institute training <br /> session on the St. Paul Campus the previous Friday. The Councilmember also commented <br /> that, while the Mayor and Councilmembers Ranallo and Makowske were attending the <br /> League of Cities Conference in Seattle the previous week, he had attended another <br /> type of meeting on the opposite side of the country. <br /> Councilmember Ranallo reported he had put in two days of intense work at the <br /> Conference related to the preparation of 22 resolutions from the League Human <br /> Relations Committee on which he serves, and he indicated he had found one workshop <br /> on " an Aging City", especially pertinent to the City's situation where <br /> between 450 and 500 new residents over 55, are expected to be added to the City's <br /> population. From what he heard during that workshop, the Councilmember said he <br /> perceived it might be beneficial to have staff establish sometime in the middle of <br /> 1986 an advisory board similar to the Planning Commission, which could keep the <br /> • Council apprised of special needs this group might have. Mayor Sundland agreed, <br /> saying he perceived the existing senior council could be expanded to look into <br /> further sources of services like legal counseling which might be available for seniors. <br />
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