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-15- <br /> Mr. Smoka indicated he would like to see an estimate of what it would cost the . <br /> residents to construct a new street with the necessary curb and. gutter, drainage <br /> • and sidewalk repairs without MSA funding and was told that as soon as the appeal <br /> process is completed, another public hearing would be called, .with the same notifica- <br /> tion procedure followed as that evening, where.! the additional data would also be , <br /> available. <br /> The hearing was closed. at 10.:05 P.M. and recessed five minutes later for a discussion <br /> of the course of action to be followed by staff. <br /> W. Campbell clarified Mr. Kausel 's insistance that the street was actually 33 feet <br /> wide by saying he guessed the property owner was talking about ,a curb measurement <br /> "back to back" where the actual street 'surface is only 32 feet wide. He told Council- <br /> member Ranallo it was possible the, City's .ap ep al `could be heard in May an.d he <br /> perceived the chances of getting the variance would be "a long shot". He also confirmed <br /> for the Bulletin .reporter's, as, wel_1. as the -Council 's__,benefi-t, that-- MSA requirements <br /> for a. 36 foot wide street included parking, on one side and, _-though he questioned what <br /> the property owner's reaction might be to such. a p'roposal;,'the `engineer said there <br /> might be a possibility of getting- a variance for a 32,foot wide street with no <br /> parking on either side. <br /> Mr. Hamer said .the only reason the street width was maintained near the new bridge was <br /> that' the construction was already started before a question was raised. He also <br /> mentioned that the 10% penalty which had been discussed during the hearing would <br /> only be imposed on this year's allocation. <br /> - If the appeal is, not successful , Mr. Childs said, logistically the: City could. not <br /> • do the street -going past the golf course this year without getting into a very late <br /> fall construction. However, he said some of the work which has to be done on the <br /> Kenzie- Terrace medians might be MSA eligible and he suggested the Council authorize <br /> the engineers to. do a traffic flow,-study on that street related to the-median upgrading. <br /> Motion. by Councilmember Ranallo and seconded, by Councilmember Marks to authorize <br /> staff to start the appeal process to maintain a 32 foot street width for St . Anthony <br /> Boulevard. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Councilmember Makowske and seconded by Councilmember. Marks to authorize <br /> 'a preliminary study by Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. for whatever median or road <br /> work might be necessary to support the new buildings on Kenzie Terrace. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Councilmember Ranallo and seconded by Councilmember Makowske to adjourn <br /> the meeting at 10:25 P.M. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Respectuflly submitted, <br /> He- Crowe, Secretary <br /> Mayor �- <br /> ATTEST: <br /> i y C I e <br />