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1 umbrella group on a metro-wide and not parochial basis. He pointed to <br /> • 2 the case where a company was kept in Denver because of the cooperation <br /> 3 between the different Chambers. <br /> 4 Councilmember Makowske said she thought the fact that time was the only <br /> 5 investment required of the City at f irst was a real plus because the <br /> 6 City had the opportunity of seeing whether the organizattion offered <br /> 7 anything for the City before having to pay for membership. <br /> 8 Mayor Sundland indicated his boss, Mr. Selberg, had agreed that the <br /> 9 Mayor's dual association as Mayor of St. Anthony and a member of the <br /> 10 St. Anthony Chamber of Commerce Board made him a logical choice for the <br /> 11 initial working committee with that position to be rotated between other <br /> 12 Councilmembers after that if they perceive the concept works for the <br /> 13 City. The Mayor said he also agreed with the idea that the organization <br /> 1-4 should not be expanded beyond Hennepin County at first and, if <br /> 15 successful , could be expanded to the neighboring counties. He said <br /> 16 he had no problem envisioning the organization spreading statewide <br /> 17 after a short time. <br /> 18 No formal action was taken that evening as recommended by the City <br /> 19 Manager, who said he would put the further information they had been <br /> 20 promised on a future agenda. In the meantime, Councilmembers could <br /> 21 watch for further media discussion and talk to other community officials <br /> 22 to get their ideas on joining. <br /> 03 January 12th Work Session Noted <br /> 24 The Councilmembers were again reminded of the work session scheduled for <br /> 25 7:00 P.M. the following Thursday night where appointments to the <br /> 26 Planning Commission were possible and Ray Nelson would be reporting on <br /> 27 the City liquor operation. <br /> 28 City Attorney Advises City to Continue to Informally Refer to Itself as <br /> 29 St. Anthony Village, But to Retain City of St. Anthony to Identify the <br /> 30 City on Legal Documents <br /> 31 In his letter to the Council , copies of which had been distributed <br /> 32 prior to the meeting, Mr. Soth had advised the above and said that <br /> 33 although the process of changing the name would not be too expensive, <br /> 34 the City is statutorily required to have 20% of the voters sign a <br /> 35 petition requesting the legal change of name which would then have to <br /> 36 be placed on the ballot for a future City election. The City Manager <br /> 37 suggested failing a known groundswell of residents wanting the change, <br /> 38 that the City continue as is now being done to informally refer to <br /> 39 itself as Village wherever legally permitted and wait to see if the <br /> 40 residents insist on a formal change. <br /> 41 Councilmember Makowske suggested the City put a petition out for <br /> 42 residents to sign during the upcoming VillageFest. Mayor Sundland <br /> 43 observed one of the very visual places where the community is identified <br /> • 8 <br />