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1 regarded throughout the metropolitan area and state. He said he <br /> 2 perceived the Bulletin story had accurately portrayed Mr. Childs' move <br /> & as a career advancement. <br /> 4 LRT Routes Other Than Just Those Which Are Directed to Either St. Paul <br /> 5 or Minneapolis Being Considered by Ramsey County Light Rail Transit <br /> 6 Intergovernmental Advisory Committee <br /> 7 Councilmember Marks, who serves on the Committee, reported circular <br /> 8 crosstown routes to relieve traffic going to other locations had been <br /> 9 considered at the meeting of the Committee which he had attended the <br /> 10 previous week. He said there was also recognition of how difficult it <br /> 11 was becoming to get funding for LRT from state or federal sources but <br /> 12 said the Committee continues to perceive this as the right time to take <br /> 13 steps to get such funding. A copy of an article in that morning's Star- <br /> 14 Tribune reported the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners official <br /> 15 endorsement of highest priority routes was sent around for Councilmember <br /> 16 perusal. Councilmember Marks said none of the routes that had been <br /> 17 discussed had been rejected by the Board which seemed to support the <br /> 18 Committee's perception that many trips are made from suburb to suburb <br /> 19 without ever going to either major city. He indicated the proposed <br /> 20 routes would produce a much more complicated traffic pattern than the <br /> 21 trolley system which ran primarily between Minneapolis and St. Paul , but <br /> 22 was designed to serve more people on the outer perimeters of those <br /> 23 cities. <br /> 14 Ramsey County Taking Yard Refuse at Arden Hills Compost Site <br /> 25 When Councilmember Makowske reported getting questions about whether the <br /> 26 City still handled such materials at the recycling center, Mr. Childs <br /> 27 said the center was open for grass and leaves in the fall but lack of <br /> 28 space to store or create compost prevented them from processing those <br /> 29 materials over the winter or spring. However, he indicated the center <br /> 30 does have compost residents can take for their gardens. The City <br /> 31 Manager added that the Public Works Department is having a hard time <br /> 32 finding a place to put street sweepings and other dirt now that the <br /> 33 dumping area they once used on Silver Lane was going to be developed <br /> 34 for townhomes. Larry Jones, the Bulletin newswriter, told the <br /> 35 Councilmembers this week's edition was going to carry several articles <br /> 36 on areas where residents could take grass and. leaves for composting. <br /> 37 Charitable Gambling Proceeds to be Sought for Historical Society <br /> 38 Councilmember Makowske reported that she and Society member Florence <br /> 39 Marks had researched the Society's by-laws and regulations. and concluded <br /> 40 the inclusion of the Society into the St. Anthony Chamber of Commerce <br /> 41 would be very difficult under the Chamber's charter. The Society was <br /> 42 therefore faced with a problem of raising about $500.00 immediately to <br /> 43 cover the expenses of filing with the State as well as with the <br /> 44 Minnesota and Ramsey County Historical Societies. Councilmember <br /> 45 Ranallo speculated that the consortium who operate pull tab games in the <br /> 9 <br />