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1 year, but St. Anthony would be getting an additional $100,000.00 before <br /> this project could be done in 1990. He added that the relationship of <br /> 39th Avenue to this project made it imperative that that portion of <br /> 4 Stinson also be studied at this time with the thought if an additional <br /> 5 signal is found to be needed, some cost savings might be realized if the <br /> 6 same contractor does both jobs. He added that it would be up to <br /> 7 Columbia Heights to decide, though, the City might be able to use Ramsey <br /> 8 County CDBG funds for its share of those costs if a signal at that <br /> 9 intersection is authorized. <br /> 10 Councilmember Enrooth commented that he was concerned that we might end <br /> 11 up with several stop lights within three blocks if all the conflicting <br /> 12 intersections are handled. The City Manager stated that without a <br /> 13 study, a semaphore at 37th might make conditions at 39th even worse than <br /> 14 some of the seniors perceive they are now and might only exacerbate the <br /> 15 problems with getting out on 38th and through the railroad crossing <br /> 16 between 37th and 38th. Mr Childs reiterated that in spite of the <br /> 17 Hennepin County study which had indicated the traffic at 37th and <br /> 18 Stinson warranted a semaphore, he perceived a need to prove that signal <br /> 19 would not negatively impact on the streets which intersected Stinson all <br /> 20 the way up to Silver Lane. <br /> 21 Mr. Hamer said he had a feeling that Minneapolis would not be legally <br /> 22 able to contract for a project outside its own city limits and he <br /> 23 anticipated the whole project would have to be bid out anyway. The <br /> 24 Public Works Director then outlined the process which had to be followed <br /> 405 and pointed out that any feasibility study of 39th would be done by <br /> 6 Columbia Heights. <br /> 27 Councilmembers indicated they had no problem with following the process <br /> 28 Mr. Hamer had outlined which called for joint powers approval by all <br /> 29 governing bodies involved before the project would proceed. <br /> 30 Council to Look at Minneapolis Plastic Ordinance <br /> 31 The City Manager reported he had requested a copy of the ordinance <br /> 32 Minneapolis had just passed, which some suburbs were now looking at as <br /> 33 well. <br /> 34 Executive Session Following H.R.A. Meeting Approved <br /> 35 Mr. Childs requested the above to discuss several legal matters for <br /> 36 which he needed Council direction to work on before he left the City's <br /> 37 service. The session was scheduled to be held after the H.R.A. meeting <br /> 38 that evening. <br /> 39 NEW BUSINESS <br /> 40 Contracts Awarded for Road Materials <br /> • 13 <br />