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I Apartment #5, which would require the managers to return for a new <br /> •2 permit for each location to which the facility might be moved. <br /> 3 Mayor Sundland suggested a stipulation in the Council's motion that the <br /> 4 owners would be required to notify the City of any change in location <br /> 5 which could address the Commissioners' concerns without requiring a <br /> 6 repetition of the whole permit process each time the location of the <br /> 7 facility location is changed. <br /> 8 Mr. Hamer reported any such change in location would have to be reported <br /> 9 to the Public Works and the Fire Departments. <br /> 10 Mr. Solie told Councilmember Makowske day care services for families of <br /> 11 the apartment complex residents would be given the highest priority but <br /> 12 a few children from outside might be allowed to participate under <br /> 13 special circumstances. <br /> 14 Council Action <br /> 15 Motion by Marks, seconded by Ranallo to grant a conditional use permit <br /> 16 to Village Properties for a Class C Ramsey County licensed Family Day <br /> 17 Care Facility at 3808 Macalaster Drive for which no more than 14 <br /> 18 children would be allowed in accordance with the County licensing <br /> 19 requirements. The permit is granted with the stipulation that the <br /> 20 applicants notify the City within a reasonable period of time if and <br /> 21 when the facility is moved to another location in that building. <br /> 6 In granting the conditional use permit the Council finds, as did the <br /> 23 Planning Commission, that: <br /> 24 1. The use meets the specifications of Section 7, Subdivision 3 , Number <br /> 25 3 for a conditional use permit and satisfies the required conditions <br /> 26 of Minnesota State Statutes and City Ordinances. <br /> 27 2. Staff had received no calls opposing the permit before either the <br /> 28 April 5, 1989 Commission hearing or the April 11, 1989 Council <br /> 29 consideration and no one spoke in opposition at either of those <br /> 30 meetings. <br /> 31 3 . The Council agrees with the Planning Commission that the facility for <br /> 32 which the permit is issued would be a real benefit for the residents <br /> 33 of the apartment complex. <br /> 34 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 35 Conditional Use Permit Granted for the Rental of Video Movies at Chuck's <br /> 36 365, 3813 Stinson Boulevard <br /> 37 Commissioner Franzese reported the Commission's recommendation regarding <br /> 38 the above request as presented in the summary, which the Council <br /> 39 accepted with no further questioning. <br /> 0 5 <br />