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I potential costs of taking corrective measures with the understanding <br /> 2 that those costs should be shared by all affected parties including <br /> 04 Columbia Heights, New Brighton, the Salvation Army and the residents who <br /> live on the lake. <br /> 5 Councilmember,Marks commented that he had recently talked to a person <br /> 6 who had an early history of involvement with the lake and believed there <br /> 7 might possibly be many undocumented hook-ups to the lake, citing as an <br /> 8 example, the drain tiles which Columbia Heights used to drain swampy <br /> 9 land near the lake for which initially there had been no drawings made. <br /> 10 Recycling Discussions Continued <br /> 11 Councilmember Ranallo reported having received a notice from his garbage <br /> 12 hauler, Woodlake Sanitary, that they were raising their rates to $34.00 <br /> 13 every two months and would be giving discounts to customers who use only <br /> 14 the one barrel the firm would now be providing its customers. He said <br /> 15 the letter also urged recycling all possible materials, warning that <br /> 16 because of increased costs for haulers to put garbage in landfills or <br /> 17 to have it incinerated, future rate increases were imminent. <br /> 18 Councilmember Enrooth commented that he now had some reservations about <br /> 19 proceeding with the proposed "Garbage Ordinance" for St. Anthony unless <br /> 20 there is some immediate resolution of the newsprint disposal problem <br /> 21 and glass disposal, which is rapidly becoming another problem. <br /> 22 Councilmember Marks said he perceived industries like dairies could <br /> probably go back to using returnable containers which had worked very <br /> X14 well in the past and he indicated he continued to believe that bringing <br /> 25 pressure on the retail market was the best way of getting more <br /> 26 acceptable packaging. He said he also remained convinced that by <br /> 27 passing ordinances against plastics, small communities like St. Anthony <br /> 28 could influence the state and federal government to give more serious <br /> 29 attention to eliminating nonrecyclable or nonreturnable plastics or <br /> 30 requiring further research into reusable packaging. <br /> 31 Mayor Sundland reiterated his concerns that the Council might only be <br /> 32 forcing its three supermarkets out of business with the proposed food <br /> 33 packaging ordinance. He said the retail merchants association had <br /> 34. indicated to him that they were already looking into the legal aspects <br /> 35 of those regulations. <br /> 36 DEPARTMENTS AND COMMITTEES <br /> 37 Brief discussions related to the Police Department reports preceded the <br /> 38 orders to file the following reports in the agenda packet: <br /> 39 -April 20th report from the Hance & LeVahn law firm on cases the City <br /> 40 prosecutors have handled in Hennepin County District Court up to and <br /> 41 including April 19, 1989. <br /> 9 <br />