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1 Ranallo gave the history of the proceedings at the previous Council <br /> •2 meeting when this issue had been discussed. He noted that the St. Paul <br /> 3 paper had incorrectly reported that the ordinance had passed, when <br /> 4 actually what had passed was a motion to bring the ordinance for the new <br /> 5 hours before the Council at their next meeting. Ranallo had voted <br /> 6 against the motion. <br /> 7 Joe DiSanto, representative of the company who manages the St. Anthony <br /> 8 Shopping Center, advised the Council he had been unaware of the <br /> 9 ordinance requirement which prohibited restaurants remaining open later <br /> 10 than 1:00 a.m. He noted that his prospective tenant, Clark's Submarine <br /> 11 Sandwiches, had traditional hours of operation in all of its restaurants <br /> 12 until 2 :00 a.m. <br /> 13 Clark Armstead, owner of Clark's Submarine Sandwiches, stated being <br /> 14 allowed to remain open until 2:00 a.m. was critical to this operation's <br /> 15 success or failure. <br /> 16 The Acting City Manager distributed a copy of the existing closing hours <br /> 17 of operation for restaurants/drive-throughs in the City to the Council. <br /> 18 Ranallo stated his opposition to an ordinance change. He felt St. <br /> 19 Anthony is a "bedroom" community and the additional traffic this type <br /> 20 of operation would have late into the morning would be a disturbance. <br /> 21 Mayor Pro Tem Ranallo also stated that he had talked to a number of <br /> 22residents, one of whom wished the Shopping Center closed at 10:00 p.m. <br /> 03 None of the residents he talked to wanted the hours to be extended. <br /> 24 Makowske observed the Council is being asked to make a policy change. <br /> 25 She has given this request considerable thought since the last Council <br /> 26 meeting and is of the opinion that the residents prefer the "bedroom" <br /> 27 community position. She stated she had received phone calls and letters <br /> 28 regarding this issue and concluded that to represent the residents she <br /> 29 would support the ordinance remaining as it is. <br /> 30 Marks was of the opinion that other restaurants in the community would <br /> 31 not change their hours of operation. He referred to letters about this <br /> 32 issue and noted that only one addressed traffic. <br /> 33 Enrooth noted he had not been contacted regarding this issue, but <br /> 34 referred to the letters received from business people in the St. Anthony <br /> 35 Shopping Center. He observed that one of them is going out of business <br /> 36 and the other expressed an interest in staying in the Center but the <br /> 37 costs were prohibitive. <br /> 38 DiSanto advised the Council he had personally contacted the business <br /> 39 people mentioned, noting that they had month-to-month leases. He wanted <br /> 40 them to commit to long term leases. He felt they were not being forced <br /> ,41 out of the Center. <br /> • 6 <br />