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• i <br /> 1 Tyson also stated the continuation of the variance is also being <br /> 2 requested to address resident needs and whether an asphalt surface would <br /> •3 meet remediation requirements. <br /> 4 Ms. Jeanne Krajna, spokesperson for occupant/owners at Kenzington, <br /> 5 stated their objection to the use of Kenzington Homeowners Association <br /> 6 funds to provide parking on a lot which would not be their lot and whose <br /> 7 future ownership and availability is uncertain. She noted that <br /> 8 initially residents were promised ample parking to suit resident needs. <br /> 9 It was observed that the majority of the units at Kenzington are leased <br /> 10 from META and not owned. When the project first came before the Council <br /> 11 it was envisioned that most, if not all , of the units would be purchased <br /> 12 rather than leased. In the ensuing months the condo market became soft <br /> 13 and the majority of the units were leased. <br /> 14 Ms. Krajna stated property for the proposed parking lot could be sold <br /> 15 next year and the residents would again be in need of parking spaces. <br /> 16 Tyson said the primary purpose of this lot was for overflow parking and <br /> 17 that no one at META has really looked at the request for a permanently- <br /> 18 improved parking lot. <br /> 19 Marks observed that Kenzington residents are requesting the City to act <br /> 20 as a negotiator with META. He feels a long term solution would be for <br /> 21 the Kenzington complex to have a majority of its residents be owners <br /> 22 not leasers. <br /> 3 Enrooth felt META would also have preferred to have had all of the <br /> 4 condos purchased and not leased. He was of the opinion that the <br /> 25 resident owners have lost faith in META and that they believe the <br /> 26 salespeople are not putting much genuine effort into selling the condos. <br /> 27 Ranallo said that while the Council is truly interested in residents' <br /> 28 opinions and would like to see this situation resolved, it is a problem <br /> 29 between the Homeowners Association and META. He noted that parking on <br /> 30 the property behind the Kenzington would not require a variance and <br /> 31 would accommodate twelve parking spaces. <br /> 32 The City Attorney advised that this situation is not really something <br /> 33. the City can do anything about. He said that if residents feel it is <br /> 34 not proper for META to be spending Association money on its own <br /> 35 property, the issue must be taken up with META. <br /> 36 Tyson stated that the Kenzington Board of Directors approved $6,000 to <br /> 37 be used to develop a parking lot. It was decided that no rent would <br /> 38 be charged for using this lot and it would be available for use for one <br /> 39 year. Tyson prefers not to withdraw the request for an extension of <br /> 40 the variance. He advised that META has a meeting scheduled in December <br /> 41 where this issue will be addressed. <br /> 42 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Marks to table action for the extension <br /> 43 of the variance. <br /> 8 <br />