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• 5 <br /> I future . Tares will co un $19 on an average-priced <br /> 2 St . Anthony home ($58 . 000) : resulting in a 1990 property tax <br /> 3 liability of $180 versus $161 . Ta _es would have decreased <br /> 4 $24 , to $137 , had the local government aid not been shifted <br /> 5 to school districts . in order to recover the money lost in <br /> 6 local government aid and to cover the cost of living <br /> 7 increases : St . Anthony proposes a tax increase of 11 . 8%: 3% <br /> 8 of which is to cover `he cost of living; which is currently <br /> 9 estimated to be 4-1/2'x . <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Norman Lucas of 2000 32nd Avenue Northeast asked for <br /> 12 clarification of the 11 . 89a, property tax increase described <br /> 13 in the public notice . City Manager Burt explained that the <br /> 14 total tax bill is split between the school district , the <br /> 15 county, the c t.v . a:,d =pecial districts (suf,h as waters'-e,� <br /> 16 and mosquito control ' The Citv receives about 17 to 20 <br /> 17 cents of each tax dollar , the school di-strict 60 cents : and <br /> 18 the county receives the remainder . An increase of 11 . 8% is <br /> 1.q to be imposed by the "? tv only on the 17 e7ents of every <br /> 20 dollar that the City currently receives . Ma_or Pro Tena <br /> 21 Ranallo noted that each taxing entity (i . e . , the county and <br /> 22 the school district ) holds its own public hearing. City <br /> • 23 Manager Burt indicated that the 1990 school district budget <br /> 24 is decreasing by $1 . 8 : pillion and that the 1990 county <br /> 25 budget will increase . <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Jerry Sheen : owner of St . Anthony Lanes , expressed his <br /> 28 concern regarding the impact on business owners of the net <br /> 29 total increase in tax--=s by all government branches . City <br /> 30 Manager Burt explained that. the City ' s percentage increase- <br /> 31 applies equally to all property: whether comm&rcial or <br /> 32 private . Mayor Pro Tim Ranallo reminded the citizens that <br /> 33 the Council and Cit_v '-'onager are only able to answer <br /> 34 Questions regarding the City' s budget . <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Norman Lucas raised the issue of recycling . Mayor Pro T=m <br /> 37 Ranallo stated that the City would provide one free <br /> 38 recycling container to each household , and that they would <br /> 39 be available at City -all December 1 and 2 . Each bin costs <br /> 40 $5. 20 , and Hennepin County has covered $5 of the cost and <br /> 41 the City is covering the other 20 cents . TTegotiations are <br /> 42 underway to obtain similar financing from Ramsey County . <br /> 43 Additional bins will be available for purchase after the <br /> 44 first of the new year . Council Member Enrooth explained <br /> 45 that papers, glass , and cans can be sorted into grocery bags <br /> 46 and then all three items can be placed in the one recycling <br /> 47 bin. <br /> • 48 <br /> 49 Norman Lucas pointed out that Waste Management plans to <br /> 50 charge $2 . 50 per month to pick up recycling. Mayor Pro Tem <br />