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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 25, 1995 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Enrooth reported the Sports Boosters have determined they will only be able to donate <br /> 2 $20,000 per year for the gym and a storage room. He suggested building a 3600 square <br /> 3 foot gym and eliminating the Sports Boosters storage room. The City could then proceed <br /> 4 with bids and charge rent for the gym on a first come, first serve basis. The $20,000 <br /> 5 donation could go toward rental of the facility. <br /> 6 Mr. Jim Kozarek, Sports Boosters, indicated they had been negotiating for gym space <br /> 7 since October of 1994. The committee had approached the board and recommended a <br /> 8 donation of$50,000 for the gym space and the storage room. It was the opinion of the <br /> 9 Sports Boosters Board that since their operation is tentative, depending on the status of <br /> 10 pull tabs, this was too large of a commitment for too long of a time period. <br /> 11 Ranallo commented that with the present gym size of 3600 square feet, there was no <br /> 12 room to stand and watch the games. He would like to see a larger gym if possible. <br /> 13 Enrooth suggested to construct a 5000 square foot gym, with no storage room, at a cost of <br /> 14 $55,000. This would provide more room than the existing gym and still be affordable. <br /> Ms. Kelly Wilson, 1761-3rd Street S.W.,New Brighton, stated the current gym was <br /> unsafe. There was no where to sit and the spectators feet were in the area of play. <br /> 17 Enrooth reiterated it would be appropriate for the Sports Boosters to pay rent for the gym <br /> 18 time and that it be on a first come, first serve basis. <br /> 19 In response to Mr. Albright, Ranallo indicated it would not be possible to obtain funds <br /> 20 appropriated under the Federal Crime Bill for funding of this project. <br /> 21 Mr. Terry Taylor, 2928 Rankin Road, Vice President of the Sports Boosters and <br /> 22 Chairman of Charitable Gambling stated if the Sports Boosters went ahead with a <br /> 23 commitment of$50,000 per year and pull tabs were gone, the City would have the right <br /> 24 to go to the community and ask for the money without a referendum. If this were to <br /> 25 happen the community may not look favorable on the Sports Boosters. He indicated they <br /> 26 had done their best with the resources they have and the resources they believe to be <br /> 27 available in the future. <br /> 28 Ranallo thanked the Sports,Boosters for the work they had done and their good <br /> 29 cooperation. <br /> 30 Ms. Mary Ellen Maske, 3516 Harding Street, expressed St. Anthony is on the brink of <br /> 31 being reborn and should rejoice and celebrate. She stated the children in this community <br /> deserve the best. <br />