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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • June 25, 1996 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 b. Setback variance-parking <br /> 2 C. Setback variance- canopy <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Commissioner Bergstrom reported that Mr. Bona is requesting a front yard setback <br /> 5 variance of 32 feet in order to construct a 20 x 24 foot canopy over an existing gas pump <br /> 6 island. <br /> 7 The Planning Commission is recommending City Council approval of the variance based <br /> 8 on its meeting the variance criteria as follows: <br /> 9 1. Strict enforcement would cause undue hardship not created by the landowner. <br /> 10 This is demonstrated by the public demand for canopies. Also the request is not <br /> 11 for pure economic gain. Moving the gas pump would result in the configuration <br /> 12 of the island restricting traffic and causing a safety issue. <br /> 13 2. Unique circumstances in that this is a redevelopment and expansion of an existing <br /> 14 property and the unique shape of the property. <br /> 3. Keeping in the spirit of the granting of previous variance requests for properties in <br /> 6 the area including Phillips 66 service station. <br /> 17 Motion by Faust, second by Enrooth to approve the front yard setback variance of 32 feet <br /> 18 for Roger Bona, Unocal 76 Service Station, 2812 - 27th Avenue N.E. based on the <br /> 19 findings of the Planning Commission. <br /> 20 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 21 Commissioner Bergstrom reported Mr. Bona is also requesting a 10 foot variance to park <br /> 22 in the front yard parking setback along Kenzie Terrace. These parking areas would be <br /> 23 used only for temporary parking of cars scheduled for repair. <br /> 24 Mr. Dege, Finn-Daniels Architects, explained the request pertained to four stalls and was <br /> 25 necessary due to the shape of the property. It is not atypical of properties in the area to <br /> 26 have hard surface out to the sidewalk. He noted the landscaping of the property would be <br /> 27 enhanced by the addition of landscaping to the front of the site. <br /> 28 Faust asked how it would be physically ensured that cars would not park over onto the <br /> 29 sidewalk. Mr. Dege stated striping would be used for this purpose and that Service <br /> 30 Station personnel would be parking the vehicles in this area. <br /> 0 ' Commissioner Bergstrom stated the Planning Commission is recommending approval of <br /> 32 the 10 foot variance as it meets the variance criteria as follows: <br />