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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> February 25, 1997 <br /> • Page 4 <br /> 1 Mayor Ranallo noted there are currently 17 to 20 people living in the two homes on the <br /> 2 property, the total tax value is $148,000 and the property generates $3,000 in tax revenue per <br /> 3 year. With the proposed townhome development approximately 14 people would occupy the <br /> 4 property, the total tax value would be $1.2 million and the property would generate $27,000 <br /> 5 in tax revenue per year. He stated the City's goal is to increase the tax base. He also noted <br /> 6 City assistance is not required for this project. <br /> 7 Marks stated he did not feel this property was appropriate for single family housing due to the <br /> 8 traffic situation. <br /> 9 Mr._Beach noted the.townhomes would provide a buffer for the park and for the existing <br /> 10 single family houses around the property. <br /> 11 Enrooth noted that one Commissioner was not present at the February 18th Planning <br /> 12 Commissioner meeting when this issue was considered and they have indicated that they <br /> 13 would have voted in favor of the project. <br /> 14 Mayor Ranallo asked if the variance could be considered by the Council this evening as the <br /> 15 Planning Commission had not voted on the variance. <br /> City Attorney William Soth stated the Council could vote on all three issues, as the Planning <br /> '17 Commission had held a Public Hearing on all three issues. He also noted that if the proposal <br /> 18 was approved this evening, the existing easements underlying the plat would need to be <br /> 19 vacated. He asked if there would be a common area that was owned and maintained by an <br /> 20 Association. <br /> 21 Mr. Beach stated each townhome owner would own their own lot. There would be an <br /> 22 Association established but it would be managed by the owners of the property rather than a <br /> 23 management company. <br /> 24 Morrison asked if the preliminary plat could be approved prior to vacation of the easements. <br /> 25 City Attorney stated the plat could be approved subject to the easements being vacated. <br /> 26 Enrooth asked Mr. Beach when he would begin construction of the townhomes. <br /> 27 Mr. Beach stated upon approval of the City Council, he would submit the proposal to <br /> 28 Hennepin County for approval and begin construction as early as possible. <br /> 29 Judy Makowske, 2919 Rankin Road, stated she was in favor of the project. She felt it was a <br /> 30 good use of the property and would be a continuation of the townhomes currently being <br /> 31 constructed along Highway 88. She noted that if the property was zoned R-1, it would be <br /> impossible to obtain financing as banks do not loan funds to single family housing which <br /> 43 faces an industrial area. <br />